Awaken at the Quantum level of awareness to fulfill your True Divine purpose!
Awaken at the Quantum level of awareness to fulfill your True Divine purpose!
Part 2 of the holographic universe series is just a continuation of the findings on the fact that the universe we exist in is not just a holographic projection but it a mental construct. But this would be explained further in part 3 & 4. Only through real knowledge would we be better prepared to face up to any challenges concerning the higher matters of reality.
Keep an open-mind but do more of your own research
The journey continues...
This is certainly not the end, by any means. This is just the beginning of your journey to your ultimate awakening. It is important to note that the information here is purely for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. It is up to the reader/watcher to expand their own research and come to their own conclusion. This world is a programmed reality. We are infinite beings trapped inside of a very sophisticated form of a virtual reality simulation aka a matrix of sort. It's true and that's why it doesn't appear to be so. Inform yourself and free your mind. It's all a mind game albeit a very sinister one.
This video was made as a culmination and compilation of an interview made between a whistleblower from an organisation (ACIO= Advanced Contact Intelligence Organisation) and a journalist regarding the fate of humanity back in 1998. This message has a lot of truth in it but it appears it has been compromised by quite a bit. You will be able to remove the wheat from the chaff if you keep doing more of your own research on everything you learn. Ultimately, it's up to you what you choose to believe in. The Lucifer part is not correct. Read the Divine Secret Garden's books to learn more about who created this hologram of deception to entrap and enslave infinite beings i.e us. Time to wake up and leave the matrix but obviously that is no easy task at all.
What is the real secret of "matter" if indeed matter is "real"? What is reality? What are we really seeing, feeling, touching, smelling and hearing? The science behind the holographic universe proves that the physical world we believe is real is in fact an illusion. Energy fields are decoded by our brain into a 3D picture, to give the illusion of a physical world. Sounds too fantastical? Watch this to know why this world is in fact a holographic world/universe. (Part 1-5 all in one)
"The perceptions we observe may well be coming from an artificial source. Suppose we could take our brain out of our body and keep it alive in a glass jar. Put a computer in which all kinds of information can be recorded. Transmit the electrical signals of all the data related to a setting such as image, sound and smell into this computer. Connect this computer to the sensory centers in our brain with electrodes and send the pre-recorded data to our brain. As our brain perceives these signals it will see and live the setting correlated with these."
" Perhaps you’ve seen the viral videos which many people claim could be “glitches” in our reality… unexplainable events proving we are living in a simulated world. The idea might sound like a casual conversation you’d hear after watching "The Matrix," but actually, as of late, it’s become the subject of serious academic debate. Particularly since 2016, when before a large audience of people, famous Technology Entrepreneur, Elon Musk confidently suggested that the odds are that reality is actually a computer simulation run by a more advanced intelligence." The Divine Secret Garden's book series reveal who created this simulated reality and why (at least the closest version of the truth as it happened from the 4th dimensional realm into the 3rd dimensional realm).
Dr John Dylan-Haynes and others in Neuroscience have discovered that there is a "deterministic mechanism" in the brain that tends to determine our behaviour which you only become aware of at a later point in time. Essentially, they discovered through their studies and experiments the fact that we basically process information that has come from an unknown source (likely to be from the 4th dimensional realm) which the brain only becomes aware of 6-7 seconds later. In other words, everything you do on a daily basis is already encoded into the brain and the information you act on is only accessible to you 6-7 seconds after the brain has processed that information. This therefore proves we must be experiencing a delayed reality which further confirms the simulated nature of this reality. But the jury is out for whatever decision one makes about the true nature of this reality. One thing is absolutely clear, the truth will never be mainstream and if it ever is then it won't be the absolute truth.
"Doctors had given Anita Moorjani just hours to live when she arrived at the hospital in a coma on the morning of February 2nd, 2006. Unable to move as a result of the cancer that had ravaged her body for almost four years, Anita entered another dimension, where she experienced great clarity and understanding of her life and purpose here on earth. She was given a choice of whether to return to life or not, and chose to return to life when she realized that "heaven" is a state and not a place. This subsequently resulted in a remarkable and complete recovery of her health. Anita's riveting talk will inspire you to transform your life by living more authentically, discovering your greatest passions, transcending your deepest fears, and living from a place of pure joy. Her true story will radically alter your current beliefs about yourself, your purpose on earth, your health, your relationships, and your life!"
Here Dr Theresa Bullard will sumptuously explain how we are multidimensional beings operating within a holographic matrix. But I personally don't think Dr Bullard knows that this matrix is not "reality" as she thinks this is a divine hologram which it isn't. She probably doesn't know that it's an evil matrix created by the archons. She never mentioned the archontic force that created and is ruling over this simulated world. She nonetheless makes some compelling and truthful points on the nature of this world and certain aspects of our true selves. As always, keep an open-mind and learn more. Keep researching as much as possible.
This is incredibly powerful information. However, please make sure not to take it all at face value. You have to do more research on the subject discussed.
The Human brain has approximately 100 billion neurons firing electrical impulses and making new neuronal connections. You do not see anything in your brain yet you seem to be in control of it to a degree. How is this possible? This video simply explains how the brain works with the latest scientific discoveries in Neuroscience and also in quantum sciences. This video received over 5 million views and there has to be a reason for it. Find out why. The more knowledge you expose yourself to, the more powerful you become internally, just like a loaded gun. But you will only shine when you apply your new found knowledge if you did not already know this. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: The opinion of the author (in terms of god is in the neurons) is not something we agree with but the documentary does shed some light on the nature of "reality" and how the human brain works.
This experiment is a way for quantum science to understand the nature of the reality that we are experiencing at the moment. It is a scientific gateway to understanding the nature of this reality and how consciousness profoundly affects the vary construct of this reality. As ever, more personal research is necessary.
The Turkish philosopher Ahmed Hulusi has made some ground breaking discoveries on the quantum nature of this energy field of possibilities (aka reality/virtual reality simulation). However, although Ahmed's version of event are mostly true it doesn't really account for the fact that this world is a simulation. But bear in mind this information was published some 50 years ago although he updated it with some contemporary quantum findings. This will give you a better perspective on understanding this version of reality.
This may not be available in some countries such as the USA but if you use VPN (Virtual Private Network) you might be able to view it. Nikola Tesla wasn't just working as one of the greatest scientific geniuses of his time and even now, he literally tapped into the real forces of this known universe. He was also forced to secretly work with the US military and perhaps that's one of the reasons why the FBI still hasn't released all of the work they confiscated from his hotel after his alleged natural death. Tesla was far more than you have ever been told. Watch and find out for yourself.
The pyramids have always served other purposes but the mainstream never told us the truth. Here's your chance to learn something new or reinforce your current knowledge on the pyramids of Egypt. This video has had over 15 million views so far since its inception back in 2018. Worth a watch but as always keep an open-mind.
The death trap usually happens right after one "experiences" death. We DO NOT DIE. EVER. We only exit the 3rd-dimensionally simulated world and enter the 4th dimensional realm. But it may take some time before one is re-inserted into this 3rd-dimensional quantum reality. The light at the end of the tunnel is a trap for souls. The trap is design to perpetually recycle us into this faulty simulated reality so that we are in perpetual servitude to the fallen "gods". Understand something, whether you believe this is real or not is utterly immaterial because it is what it is. Unless, you awaken to this knowledge at this level, you will forever be deceived to follow these fallen reprobates aka the archons. You better be prepared otherwise your cycle won't break.
The electromagnetic signals generated by the heart have the capacity to affect others around us. In other words, the idea of ‘picking up on someone’s vibes’ is not a hyperbole, but rather a scientific reality. If electromagnetic fields affect all of our biological systems and, through energetic communication, the systems of those around us, if sending out and picking up ‘vibes’ is a real thing, then imagine how this knowledge might be used on oneself and towards others. The HeartMath Institute asserts that the key is to adopt practices which put the heart into what is called a “heart coherent state.” In other words, to positively impact the biological systems of oneself and others, the information encoded in the heart’s electromagnetic field must be positive and healthy.
Do you really know the origin of the human race?
Fervent believers argue the literal, biblical perspective of creation… that we were created in an instant by a "Creator aka God" … while scientists claim we are the result of pure evolution – and there are many theories inside that. As it turns out, more and more evidence is showing the likelihood that both theories actually hold some truth, …that the human race is, by all means, an evolving species, but also, that there are a multitude of reasons to believe that a more intelligent life form played a role in developing or maybe even created our DNA. As we unravel more mysteries from our past, more and more physicists, historians, geneticists, and anthropologists are pushing the boundaries of accepted theories by mentioning the “A” word – yes - the dreaded “alien” – and the overwhelming evidence that something played a role in our evolution. You be the judge after looking at all of the evidence.
The information on this Youtube channel Called "the higher self" is always subject to one's personal interpretation of the nature of the reality you are experiencing. However, the critical material in their work is absolutely necessary for you to know about. The information there is truly expansive and filled with enough gems to accelerate one's awakening. This video will explain in only 7 minutes what your mission on earth is and how to cope with the NPCs (Non-Player-Characters) i.e the soulless androids that outnumber us by a factor of 5000/1. Most souls already left this programmed virtual reality simulation but those of us that are still here need to further our awakening otherwise we will be back again into this evil matrix. Keep looking for more knowledge.
Apparently, according to the information on this video, there are a number of "starseeds" aka infinite consciousness beings that have volunteered to re-enter the matrix and reveal as much truth as possible about our connection to the higher realms, how to deal with the soulless humanoid androids that outnumber us by a very large margin and what we must do for us to be able to gain the right of removal from the matrix. If it was that easy to leave the matrix, if it was easy for other starseeds or our divine brothers and sisters (as we are all one within the celestial reality) it would have already been done and we wouldn't have still been trapped into this matrix. However, no one can remove us from the matrix. Only Source Creator can do that. But that hasn't been done yet and there's a good reason for it. The Divine Secret Garden's books series will shed more light on this. But for now, gather up as much info as you possibly can while you are still waking up to what's happening in the world and what your true divine identity is. You will ultimate be your own judge at the end when you have amassed enough info to help you exit the matrix.
The information on this Youtube channel Called "the higher self" is always subject to one's personal interpretation of the nature of the reality you are experiencing.
Do you see how easy they tell us the truth? You really need to wake and tell yourself enough is enough. The more you comply with their bs*** the easier it would be for them to perpetually control us in the most nefarious ways imaginable. Take back your power. Say no to that which is clearly impeding on your most fundamental right: freedom.
You really must be blind not to see what type of evil we are up against. Watch as they tell us the truth in their movies. This is just a sliver of a very big iceberg.
THERE!!! Right there, the truth as it always was and will ever be in this nonsensical world. Hear it from the horse's mouth!
The truth will only appear to be fictional until the point it becomes "reality". They know it's all facts hidden in plain-sight. They always tell us what they will do before they do it if they are not already doing it. Watch!!
The truth will SHOCK YOU. They know who and what we really are. They know we are living in a simulation. They also know a little bit about how we can get out of here...sort of.
This documentary not only boldly confirms the existence of the soul but also shows some evidence of reincarnation (which is basically a re-insertion of the soul or rather the soul's mind into this simulated reality via the human interface or avatar body). The documentary does not make any mention of the simulated nature of this reality perhaps because they don't know that it is indeed a simulation. Either way, the fact that mainstream scientists are now seriously looking at the non-physical aspect of this reality is very encouraging as it may help the expansion of the awakening collective consciousness. Watch it and make up your own mind but always keep an openmind and never stop learning more.
Is Spirituality linked to quauntum physics and quantum mechanics? Find out.
In 1934, an experiment was reportedly conducted that did show the Rife machine cured cancer. It is commonly reported that a Special Medical Research Committee was formed at the University of Southern California. The committee consisted of medical doctors and pathologists. It is reported that they brought sixteen terminally ill cancer patients who were near death from the Pasadena County Hospital to the laboratory of Dr Rife to be treated with the Rife frequency generator. The plan was for the patients to be examined in 90 days if they were still alive.
Reports are that after the 90 days, the patients were examined and fourteen of them were declared cured. The other two stayed at the laboratory. Their treatments were intensified. Four weeks later, those two were also declared cured.
If all this is true, why aren't doctors today using the Rife machine for cancer and other diseases? What you are about to read may seem unbelievable, but books by Barry Lynes and numerous websites have reported this information. We are repeating it here for you. According to reports, by 1939, almost all of the forty-four doctors attending the banquet to honor Raymond Rife were denying they had ever met him. Allegations are that drug companies, bent on stifling the Rife technologies, waged war and won.
Are there multiple versions of you out there within other dimensional universes or multiverses? Look at the evidence provided so far and make up your own mind. The truth is much stranger than fiction. The truth, however, is that we know very little of the reality we seem to exist in. That alone needs to stir up your curiosity of the unknown and what really is the universe made of and how can we unlock its mysteries. You don't need to be an expert in any scientific field to critically assess the higher matters of reality.
Dr. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist who revolutionized the idea that our thoughts and intentions impact the physical realm, is one of the most important water researchers the world has known. For over 20 years until he passed away in 2014, he studied the scientific evidence of how the molecular structure in water transforms when it is exposed to human words, thoughts, sounds and intentions.
The extraordinary life work of Dr. Emoto is documented in the New York Times Bestseller, The Hidden Messages in Water. In his book, Dr. Emoto demonstrates how water exposed to loving, benevolent, and compassionate human intention results in aesthetically pleasing physical molecular formations in the water while water exposed to fearful and discordant human intentions results in disconnected, disfigured, and “unpleasant” physical molecular formations. He did this through Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology and high-speed photographs.
"The year was 1979, and Schneider, a geologist and explosives expert, had been brought in as part of a team working for the United States government on the expansion of an underground military base near the small town of Dulce, New Mexico. At the bottom of the lift, Schneider set off exploring through the seemingly natural caverns hidden at those depths. Suddenly, he turned a corner and came face to face with something unfathomable. There, only a few feet in front of him, were three extraordinary beings." Whether you believe aliens exist or not is utterly irrelevant because they do exist, period. however, they are not what you think they are. Most of them are other infinite consciousness beings taking some humanoid or other programmed life forms to interact within any quantum simulation they wish to enter at will for their own purposes. However, there are also other programmed life forms that are soulless sent into the matrix for the purposes of information gathering or interact with humanity a certain way as part of their programming to serve their evil masters unless they are being used by benevolent beings in the higher realms.
"Out in the schoolyard, a sound suddenly pierced the air, like a high-pitched flute. The students turned their eyes skyward looking for the source of the sound, and what they saw stunned them. There, in the sky above, were five mysterious disc-like crafts, glowing red. The students watched in wonder as the crafts disappeared and reappeared in flashes of light. Without warning, one of the five broke off from the rest and began to descend, touching down a few hundred feet away on a hill just beyond the boundaries of the schoolyard. Though the students were not permitted to enter this area of thorny bushes and tall grass, their curiosity got the better of them and they rushed towards it. Suddenly, a small humanoid figure emerged from inside the craft. It appeared to be only about three feet tall, with a pale, oblong face, long black hair, and huge eyes – “like rugby balls,” one student would say. It was wearing a tight-fitting, shiny black suit, and, to the shock of the students, it began to move towards them. As it did, a second creature appeared on top of the craft, gazing down. Some of the students panicked and ran off screaming. Others stood spellbound, watching the creatures as the creatures watched them. The kids that remained at the sight staring at the beings suddenly started to feel as if the beings were communicating with them telepathically."
The Chronovisor is a Device that Can View Past Events Hidden in the Vatican Secret Archives. It was called the Chronovisor, and with it he had seen not only the last days of the life of Jesus – the agony, the betrayal, the trial, crucifixion – but the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the creation of the Ten Commandments, and other biblical moments, as well as notable historical events, like a speech by famed Roman Senator Marcus Tullius Cicero, a performance of the lost tragedy Thyestes, and even events from the life of Napoleon. It must be said, Pellegrino Ernetti was not an eccentric man by nature. He was a Benedictine monk, a scientist and author, a musicologist, and the chair of Prepoliphony at the prestigious Benedetto Marcello Conservatory of Music in Venice. In other words, he was not the type of man prone to telling fantastical stories. Brune knew this, and thus he immediately began to question Ernetti about the mysterious Chronovisor.
Ernetti revealed that the idea had come to him many years earlier while working on a project with his colleague, Father Agostino Gemelli, at the Catholic University of Milan. While attempting to filter harmonics out of old Georgian chants, they had seemingly heard the voice of Gemelli's dead father speaking through the recorder.
Intrigued, if not stunned, Ernetti began to wonder, what did happen to the sounds that people made after they ostensibly disappeared? Could it really be that voices from the past were being recorded somehow?
" What do the healer, the mystic, the psychic, and the spy all have in common? They are all in touch with their non-local mind and our community of spirit. During the 1970’s and 80’s, Stanford Research Institute (SRI) carried out investigations of our ability to experience and describe distant events blocked from ordinary perception. is intuitive capacity was named remote viewing, and the research was supported by the CIA, NASA and many other government organizations for gathering intelligence information about world-wide activities during the Cold War. Physicist Russell Targ, co-founder of this previously SECRET psychic research program, will describe the very best evidence for extrasensory perception, precognition, intuitive diagnosis and distant healing. He will describe many of these applications, together with the spiritual implications of psychic abilities from the Hindu mystic Patanjali, and the Dzogchen dharma masters, down to the present time, as they might be applied to expanding ones timeless and nonlocal awareness. He will discuss developing remote viewing skill; how to recognize the actual psychic signal, and separate it from mental noise of memory, imagination, and analysis – and why should we bother with ESP? e kind of tasks that kept the SRI program in business for twenty-three years include the following: SRI psychics found a downed Russian bomber in Africa; reported on the health of American hostages in Iran; described Soviet weapons factories in Siberia; located a kidnapped US general in Italy; and accurately forecasted the failure of a Chinese atomic-bomb test three days before it occurred, etc. When San Francisco heiress Patricia Hearst was abducted from her home in Berkeley, a psychic with the SRI team was the first to identify the kidnapper by name and then accurately describe and locate the kidnap car."
The video apparently seeks to expose the cover up of the discoveries made in the Bucegi mountain linking tunnels to Inner Earth, Tibet and Egypt. The discoveries are said to be exposing the true history of mankind, who we are and where we came from. Please have a look with an open-mind. There must be a reason why this place is restricted to the public to this date.
The video compilation shows multiple examples where souls have allegedly left the physical bodies after "death". There is no death as this is world is a simulation. What is caught on camera is a projection of the soul's mind not the soul itself. Souls, once inside of a body, take the form and shape of that body until the cessation of that body functions aka death. Whether you believe this is real or fake, the jury is out there and any evidence purporting to show some evidence that the soul is real show be seriously accounted for. This video is not religious in any way shape or form but it was made by a religious person as they added their own views on the soul and the afterlife but what is important to note is that the videos appear to be very real. Camera function differently than the human eye and therefore can pick up on various energetic spectrum which the soul leaving the body can emit. Remember, everything is energy vibrating at a frequency. Keep and open mind. You are the soul's mind not the soul itself per se.
In this video, you will appreciate how incredibly photo-realistic the gaming footage is and so much so that it is almost indistinguishable from what we currently know as reality. You don't need to accept that we are inside of a similar version of a video game but at least take a closer look at this type of technology and just think to yourself...what if we were inside of a simulation that resembles reality? Your human body is the main interface of the simulation from your unique point of view. Future gaming experiences will not include any manual controllers but control of the characters of the games by mind transference technology. That's not far-fetched at all. There already exist technologies where you can control certain toys with your brainwaves. When you sleep your mind goes into another virtual reality where the energy pattern has warped and things are a bit confusing yet you somehow make sense of your surroundings and yet you cannot even tell that you are dreaming and that everything around you is fake. That's how powerful this simulation is as it has the power to make us believe we are experiencing something real when obviously we are not. You be your own judge but the critical information is here in front of you. What you make of it is entirely up to you!
While there is still much mystery surrounding the life and death of Nikola Tesla, perhaps the most intriguing of mysteries lay in his inventions that never fully saw the light of day. Inventions such as the Death Ray, the Earthquake machine, his flying vehicles, and much more. With the intellect and creative prowess he possessed, we can only begin to imagine the thoughts and ideas he had but never shared. What we do have, is a small fraction, a record of the incredible inventions that he either discussed, began building, or had actual working prototypes. These were never fully developed or deployed, at least not to the public knowledge, but had the potential to be world-changing… some for better and some for worse...
Watch our Nikola Tesla playlist with many interesting videos on Tesla:
Dr. Sebi, a holistic healer, and herbalist, who discovered a natural cure for AIDS, Cancer, and all sorts of diseases, was ridiculed, sued, and eventually thrown in prison, where he was allegedly poisoned. He healed hundreds of people, including many celebrities like Michael Jackson, Steven Seagal, Eddie Murphy, John Travolta, Lisa Lopez, and others.
Disclaimer: This video was obtained from YouTube and there is no connections between this website and the organisation that made this video for the world to learn the truth about the suppression of real medicine. We are only putting information out there that is freely available for all to see. No professional or medical advise is given here. You are to do your own research and make up your own mind about whatever you learn here or elsewhere as this is supposedly a free world, if you can believe that.
Anthony Holland: Associate Professor, Director of Music Technology, Skidmore College. DMA, MM, MM, BM; President: Novobiotronics Inc [a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable and educational company] discovered the ability of Oscillating Pulsed Electric Fields (OPEF) to destroy cancer cells and MRSA in laboratory experiments. Expert in custom digital electronic signal design, synthesis and analysis for biological effects. Member: Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS), European Bioelectromagnetics Association (EBEA). Postdoctoral work: Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Stanford University. Advanced Digital Synthesis and Analysis studies with: Max Mathews (the ' Father of Computer Music'), John Chowning (founding Director of CCRMA, Electronic Composer and Inventor (famed FM Synthesis Patent); Jean-Claude Risset (Electronic Composer and founding Director of the Digital Synthesis Division of the internationally renowned IRCAM center, Paris, France); John Pierce: former Director of Sound Division: Bell Laboratories. "
TedX is a pathetic organisation that seeks to obfuscate the truth whenever it finds that a discovery challenges the mainstream narrative which is almost always and entirely based on lies and deception. Have a look at their pathetic "note" below about this brilliant talk from Anthony Holland. There was over 35k likes and no dislikes of that video at all."
TedXNOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. We've flagged this talk, which was filmed at a TEDx event, because it appears to fall outside TEDx's content guidelines. Resonant Frequency Therapy has not been proven effective by scientific research. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here:
"Established in 1977, the Burzynski Clinic has grown to be a nationally and internationally recognized cancer center that provides cutting-edge cancer treatments located in Houston Texas. For over 40 years, Dr. Burzynski’s cancer research and patient care has been inspired by the philosophy of the physician Hippocrates: ‘First, do no harm’. Therefore, our approach to treatment is ‘personalised’ in an attempt to maximise effectiveness and minimise side effects for each cancer patient." Visit for more info.
Disclaimer: This video was obtained from YouTube and there is no connections between this website and the organisation that made this video for the world to learn the truth about the suppression of real medicine for cancer. We are only putting information out there that is freely available for all to see. No professional or medical advise is given here. You are advised to do your own research and make up your own mind about whatever you learn here or elsewhere as this is supposedly a free world, if you can believe that. What you decide to do with this information is entirely up to you.
Does water have a fourth phase, beyond solid, liquid and vapor?
University of Washington Bioengineering Professor Gerald Pollack answers this question, and intrigues us to consider the implications of this finding. Not all water is H2O, a radical departure from what you may have learned from textbooks.
Pollack received his PhD in biomedical engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968. He then joined the University of Washington faculty and is now professor of Bioengineering. His interests have ranged broadly, from biological motion and cell biology to the interaction of biological surfaces with aqueous solutions. His 1990 book, Muscles and Molecules: Uncovering the Principles of Biological Motion, won an "Excellence Award" from the Society for Technical Communication; his more recent book, Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life, won that Society's "Distinguished Award." Pollack received an honorary doctorate in 2002 from Ural State University in Ekaterinburg, Russia, and was more recently named an Honorary Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He received the Biomedical Engineering Society's Distinguished Lecturer Award in 2002. In 2008, he was the faculty member selected by the University of Washington faculty to receive their highest annual distinction: the Faculty Lecturer Award. Pollack is a Founding Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering and a Fellow of both the American Heart Association and the Biomedical Engineering Society. He is also Founding Editor-in-Chief of the journal, WATER, and has recently received an NIH Transformative R01 Award. He was the 2012 recipient of the Prigogine Medal and in 2013 published his new book: The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor.
Give a moment to your imagination and allow your mind to explore the mysteries of our known and unknown reality. You think they are ever telling us the truth about anything in this world? The "inner earth" people are real and they do exist. But there are only stories and personal accounts of those that have journeyed there that can be used as evidence even if some is circumstantial. Understand, the mysteries about the nature of this world are almost endless. Wake up people, there's only so much we can share with you. You don't need to accept or reject anything. Just keep looking for more knowledge and keep learning. Eventually, you will begin to see through the veil of deception and arise to our higher consciousness!
Every year extraordinary discoveries reveal more about our ancient past. But there may be few as fascinating or profound as the recent discovery made in Bosnia, Herzegovina. In 2005, archaeologist Semir Osmanagich –was, visiting a museum in Visoko when he realized, stunned, that a very large hill in the valley had four clear triangular sides, an even-grade slope, obvious corners, and even an apex…. The exact geometry of a pyramid.
Throughout history, numerous clues and hints regarding geometry and frequency have been staring at us, calling to us, and waiting for us to put them into place like pieces of a giant puzzle. Here at the dawn of a new age, this sonic-geometric puzzle is finally nearing completion, revealing the building blocks of a language based on energy, frequency, and form.
How will we use it? With whom will we be communicating? Now that we know the basics of this new language, maybe we are ready to begin the conversation.... again?
Theresa Bullard shares how to boost both our physical and spiritual immunity, especially in this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. What is meant by "spiritual immunity"? And how does it relate to physical immunity? It has to do with our ability to remain centered, balanced, and in our full power, regardless of outer circumstances and events happening around us. It rests upon a core knowing of who we truly are. Understand how your thoughts, emotions, and degree of inner self-mastery impacts the strength of our immune system.
This video is the first of a new vlog series by Dr. Theresa Bullard, Ph.D. Physicist, the host of Mystery Teachings on Gaia TV, and an international instructor for the Modern Mystery School. Dr. Theresa's mission is to bridge science and spirituality in practical ways that apply directly to our lives. For more information go to and
The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles
"This new updated and expanded 10th anniversary edition of The Biology of Belief will forever change how you think about your own thinking. Stunning new scientific discoveries about the biochemical effects of the brain’s functioning show that all the cells of your body are affected by your thoughts. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., a renowned cell biologist, describes the precise molecular pathways through which this occurs. Using simple language, illustrations, humor, and everyday examples, he demonstrates how the new science of epigenetics is revolutionizing our understanding of the link between mind and matter, and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of our species."
Samadhi is said to be "a state of meditative consciousness and stillness"; (Sanskrit: “total self-collectedness”). In Indian philosophy and religion, and particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism, the highest state of mental concentration that people can achieve while still bound to the body and which unites them with the highest reality. Samadhi is a state of profound and utterly absorptive contemplation of the Absolute that is undisturbed by desire, anger, or any other ego-generated thought or emotion. It is a state of joyful calm, or even of rapture and beatitude, in which one maintains one’s full mental alertness and acuity. In Buddhism, samadhi is the last of the eight steps leading to enlightenment (the Eightfold Path).
Samadhi is much more than that because it's a very profound spiritual self-realisation of the self, the nature of "reality" and your connection to the higher realms. Perhaps this video will shed more light on helping you in your awakening process.
"All of our films are available for free , for the benefit of humanity at"
This document is available to download for free. Read it repeatedly and research it on your own terms to find out more about the nature of this reality. It's also defines their understanding of the consciousness grid within this reality and how it operates within this holographic reality. A copy is available to download in the "Powerful-books" section above. Check it out.
Samadhi is much more than that because it's a very profound spiritual self-realisation of the self, the nature of "reality" and your connection to the higher realms. Perhaps this video will shed more light on helping you in your awakening process. "All of our films are available for free , for the benefit of humanity at"
Samadhi is much more than that because it's a very profound spiritual self-realisation of the self, the nature of "reality" and your connection to the higher realms. Perhaps this video will shed more light on helping you in your awakening process. "All of our films are available for free , for the benefit of humanity at"
"The Awaken the World Initiative was created for the purpose of humbly serving the awakening of humanity by bringing the perennial wisdom back into the world for free in every language."
Samadhi is much more than that because it's a very profound spiritual self-realisation of the self, the nature of "reality" and your connection to the higher realms. Perhaps this video will shed more light on helping you in your awakening process. "All of our films are available for free , for the benefit of humanity at"
This film returns to Youtube after being banned, but it's had to have the Deep State censored from it, along with Plandemic! Watch the FULL and complete unedited four-hour version (free of ads) at
Disclaimer: We have no affiliations with this documentary or the organisation behind it but they do paint a decent picture of what's happening in this reality and perhaps worth taking a look at with an open-mind.
Simulation Theory has captured the imagination of great thinkers, from Plato to Descartes, and more recently, Nick Bostrom, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Ray Kurzweil. Even religions have hinted at the idea that we may be living in a simulated universe - from Hinduism and Buddhism to the Christian bible. Let's examine iconic movies such as The Matrix and The 13th Floor, as well as concepts in Physics such as Quantum Superposition, to unveil what Simulation Theory is all about, the evidence to support it, why it might have been created - and ultimately - how to escape the Matrix!
Disclaimer: We have no affiliations with this documentary or the organisation behind it.
The video above was substituted since Youtube took down the previous one called: Out of the shadows which a link has been proved below.
The issues discussed are extremely important to know now that the world we know is absolutely not what we think we know about.
This documentary has been censored on YouTube and uploaded with a bad quality. You can watch the full free HD quality with the link below. Share it with like-minded people.
There has always been scheme to dumb down society everywhere in the world, not just in America. No wonder people never figure out that hey have been had from the start until it's too late. Take back your power. Dr Blaylock simply exposes this truth as he was a neurosurgeon who found many chemicals on his patients brains and studies have proven this fact. You can read more about the chemical dumbing down of Americans and ultimately the rest of the world on the following link below:
Although George Carlin was making a joke out of the way the entire world's system is rigged, it is now more true than ever as it is all unfolding before our very eyes with past and current world's affairs. Try to have a little laugh too but know the truth because it will set you free.
This film returns to Youtube after being banned, but it's had to have the Deep State censored from it, along with Plandemic! Watch the FULL and complete unedited four-hour version (free of ads) at
Disclaimer: We have no affiliations with this documentary or the organisation behind it but Dr Joe Dispenza is well-known for his great work and wisdom on how the brain and mind are intertwined in their mechanical processes.
Graham's Website:
GRAHAM HANCOCK is the author of the major international bestsellers The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, and Heaven's Mirror. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. His public lectures, radio and TV appearances, including two major TV series for Channel 4 in the UK and The Learning Channel in the US - Quest For The Lost Civilisation and Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age - have put his ideas before audiences of tens of millions. He has become recognised as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity's past.
Youtube author's statement: "This is one of the most interesting reads I’ve come across. It’s rather complex and takes a while to digest but it’s 100% worth it. It’s an official declassified CIA document and a terrific analysis of consciousness and beyond – known as the Gateway Process. While it’s an older document and declassified for a while now, the fact that modern developments in science, quantum physics, psychedelics, and neurobiology confirm what’s written within those pages is nothing short of outstanding. It explains consciousness in a profound and analytical way and merges knowledge from mystics from Hindu, Buddhist, and Tibetan cultures to contemporary scientific knowledge of Planck distance, Einstein’s theory of relativity, and the works of Nils Bohr."
"How can sound travel faster than the speed of light? How can our thoughts and words manifest reality? What do we really know about science, physics, our Earth and the universe around us? Can we truly be the creators of our own beautiful future? Why don't they teach us this basic stuff at school? Michael Tellinger's full presentation recorded in Sedona, Arizona, USA in May 2017 takes you on a rollercoaster journey of rediscovery of lost knowledge, only to realize that everything we have been taught is a lie. Michael shares new information on the origins of humankind, the vanished civilisations of southern Africa, ancient advanced technology, stone circles and other megalithic sites, and a deeper exploration of sound, resonance, frequency, magnetism and toroidal fields - the manifestation of matter from the vacuum or the morpho-genetic field and the strange anomalies we discover on this journey. Be prepared to keep an open mind and break down the walls of our personal dogmas. Share it as widely as you can." His own words.
"The holographic model allows us to conceptualize phenomena that have remained on the fringes of science -- synchronicities, psychic experiences, UFOs, poltergeists, spiritual experiences, states of higher consciousness. In part one of this two part program Michael Talbot discusses the holographic model of brain functioning and the "implicate order" model of quantum physics. He proposes that these two models combined explain many unsolved mysteries in both brain functioning (such as memory and vision) and quantum physics (such as the problem of hidden variables and quantum interconnectedness).
Michael Talbot is author of Mysticism and the New Physics, Beyond the Quantum, Your Past Lives and The Holographic Universe. He also authored four novels. This program was taped approximately six months before his untimely death in May 1992."
Part 2:
You can and should get Michael's book on the "holographic Universe" available on Amazon:
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