Awaken at the Quantum level of awareness to fulfill your True Divine purpose!
Awaken at the Quantum level of awareness to fulfill your True Divine purpose!
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer
The average person is not and never will be able to handle the truth. But, be that as it may, it doesn't mean to say that they can't learn to handle the truth. However, if they are determined to expand their awareness, they will definitely find something to start with. They just need to be willing to learn new stuff, have an open mind and be interested in esoteric and quantum knowledge, more specifically quantum physics and quantum mechanics in relation to the nature of the reality their are experiencing within a particular "spacial temporal quantum continuity".
Sadly, you cannot just decide to awaken on your own terms. You must have a connection to the "Divine Realm" where your awakening process will be stimulated from i.e your awakening will be activated from "Source". This is absolutely true, according to the esoteric knowledge uncovered over the years and some have been revealed on this website such as the "divine secret garden's book series. We are energy beings and energy has or comes from a source. Therefore only the source has complete control over the energy beings which we are even though "Source" allows us complete freewill to operate as we please until the point where we are needed to be guided onto a better path if we are following the wrong one.
You simply cannot choose to awaken and that's why so many of us are still asleep even in the face of a global deception unfolding in front of our very eyes. However, it doesn't mean to say that we should hate or ostracise those who are still under the illusions and delusions. We must show compassion even though it may seem futile because we are not like the evil entities that are forcing and enforcing their evil agenda upon the global population. However, though they may be easily gullible, they need to be allowed the opportunity to experience the consequences of their choices.
This world is a simulation and all those of us from the divine realm are infinite beings acting as interactive agents inside of this simulated virtual reality. Only our minds are here within this reality connected to the human avatar bodies in much the same way wifi is connected to a smart device. Eventually, we will all awaken to this truth on our own terms when the time is right even if it takes thousands of lifetimes. You cannot die and cannot be killed. We are not talking about the human vessel which is just a shell, we are talking about the life-essence which is the infinite being that you are. No, you do not reincarnate. You experience what is called "the transmigration of the soul's mind" into similar simulations which happens after you experience your bodily death and are then lured into the proverbial yet infamous "tunnel of light". Sadly, the tunnel of light is also another big trap. It's an alien vehicle designed to capture your mind for a round trip into the prison earth planet which we are currently experiencing. So, what should you do? Read the "Divine Secret Garden's Book series" to learn more about that. Just don't go into the tunnel of light if you still have your earthly memories. Run away from it and do not trust anyone there. If there are any benevolent beings from the Divine Realm that is interested in helping you they will advise you as to what to do to escape the matrix but even then be cautious because the dimension you enter in the "afterlife" is very tricky. You will be helped but just never keep your guard down.
You are not and never will be alone. It only feels lonely while you are in this simulation having to deal with difficulties beyond your comprehension. But this will ultimately strengthen you and bring you out of the darkness. Don't give up, keep fighting by doing the right thing and expanding your knowledge. Go where your heart frequency takes you. You will find and interact with the right kind of people in due course.
The human body is a biological machine something akin to a smartphone. In fact, the human vessel is an electro-biochemical light encoded holographic frequency modulator and energy receiving and transmitting device. It's a user interface that is controlled by thoughts transference through the mind. This is not easy to accept but it is true. Think of AI (Artificial Intelligence) which is a computer variable code that acts as though it were sentient somehow. It is not a tangible construct. Yet, it runs your devices and even interacts with you as though you were dealing with another human being. In much the same way, you are not the human body but the sentient intelligence inside of it or more specifically connected to it which is why there is a disconnection at the time of "death". Think about it, you think before you speak. You think before your body's limbs move. But do you have any mental awareness of how your body metabolises your bodily fluids? No, of course not. You are not even aware of the fact that everything and all things you think of or don't think of is modulated by your brain electrically as confirmed in neuroscience. Time to wake up further by empowering yourself with "real scientifically provable knowledge".
Moreover, the human biological machine literally runs on electricity through the function of electrolytes.
"Electrolytes are the smallest of chemicals that are important for the cells in the body to function and allow the body to work. Electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, Calcium and others are critical in allowing cells to generate energy, maintain the stability of their walls, and to function in general. They generate electricity, contract muscles, move water and fluids within the body, and participate in myriad other activities." (
“Electrolyte” is the umbrella term for particles that carry a positive or negative electric charge." (
As you can see, your body literally runs on electricity. Why is that so? How is this possible? The simple answer because it's a computer inside of a simulation. In other words, it's a computer within a larger computer (4th dimensional quantum computer which is as massive as our perceived cosmos). There is obviously more to the story than this simple answer.
You are the awareness inside of the body or rather connected to it through the head energy grid or vortex.
Well, think about it. Everything that you do requires you to "think" it and then it turns into an "action" through the medium of the brain by electrical impulses commanding your limbs and all other actions in your human body where you are given the illusion of control of your body in full. For example, when you think about moving your limbs they move at almost the speed of your thoughts and it feels effortless. Yes, everything we do is done by way of "thought transference" or "thought actuation." Remember, we mentioned that we are infinite energy beings? Well, yes, that's exactly what we are. We are basically, to put it in a mild way, "the mind" inside of the brain. The mind is contained within itself which is connected to the "Source" which exists within "reality". It is obviously not a tangible substance. It is pure energy of a sentient nature contained within itself and it is infinite. It is self aware yet it wakes up everyday in the same container (human machine) and therefore it tends to believe that it is the body rather than the intelligence inside of the body. Wake up!!!
To be clear, we are not inside of the brain, we are just connected to it. What do we mean by that? Think of Wifi; it's NOT contained inside of your smart devices per se. It is only "CONNECTED" to it. The CIA document mentioned on this website (in the books section) shows a drawing of the "consciousness grid". This means that consciousness operates outside of this reality and is only connected to the brain and acts as an "interactive agent" inside of a shell i.e. a human vessel or avatar body. The human body is a cloak, a shell just like a computer with its own functional implants allowing it to operate just like a "human" would without anyone being suspicious of anything. Unless the human vessel is inhabited or rather co-habited by an infinite being (i.e. an interactive agent inside of an avatar human body) it is just a biological machine with an advanced form of an AI (Artificial Intelligence) that runs it. Sounds too far-fetched? What exactly do you think is controlling a cloned human body? Yes, cloning is absolutely real and there's just too much evidence out there. You can research that on your own. Think of "dolly the sheep". Do you think they only cloned sheep? think again.
In neuroscience, they know that information is processed and transmitted in and through the brain by electricity or by way of electrical activities. EEG ( Electroencephalography) readings allow scientists to read the electro-biochemical activity in the brain among other things. The brain processes information electrically and that is proof that its main source of energy is electricity. This is also a big pointer to the fact that we are indeed inside of a simulation. We are reading into the electrical energy inside of the brain and we are not even aware of it. This is science-fact. Funny how the evidence is usually right before our eyes, either literally or allegorically, and yet we can't seem to see it or put the pieces of the puzzle together. There is an insidious reason for that. Most people are "firewalled off" from the mainframe of the 4th dimensional quantum computer that is modulating the nature of this simulated world. It is under control of some dark and nefarious forces who created it. This is knowledge you won't find anywhere else other than inside of the "Divine Secret Garden's book series". Wake up!
Think about dreams, how often do you remember in your dreams that you are dreaming? Chances are, NEVER. So, what are dreams? Dreams are overlaying mini-simulations where the energy pattern has warped whereas within this simulation (the reality we currently experience), the energy pattern is much denser and everything happens in a slow dense vibrational occurrence. The computer modulating the nature of this reality is a 4th dimensional quantum computer. However, this 4th dimensional quantum computer doesn't allow 4th dimensional protocols to be operated inside of the 3rd dimensional realm. For example, if a 4th dimensional being can fly on their own in the 4th dimensional realm, the quantum computer will not allow this to happen in the 3rd dimensional realm unless one uses the back-doors.
The human body is an energy machine. It is only that which is inside of the body that truly matters. According to the mysteries, there are 3 races of people on this planet and in all of the occupied dimensional planets; namely the Divine Race of the eons, the created soulless race (human biological androids operated by an extremely advanced form of AI) and the Archons (fallen angels, rulers of the lower 4th and 3rd dimensional realms). The Divine Race are the children of the celestial Father & Mother (single entity with both characteristics of male and female). We are their children as infinite consciousness beings. Infinite consciousness beings are "spirit" and "spirits" are pure Divine consciousness beings that are formless and shapeless yet contained within their own minds. Therefore it is impossible to determine what they actually are. As the Father & Mother are one, we are also one (whole) when operating inside of "reality" within the Divine Realm. We are androgynous infinite beings that are shapeless and formless but we can have form and shape if we so choose (which is mostly etheric). Infinite beings do not have form or shape. They are contained within their own minds. We are similar to Wifi in its base energetic essence which cannot be seen or touched. You cannot see, feel or touch Wifi. However, you connect your electronic devices to Wifi and suddenly you have access to a whole host of stuff that you're pulling from the "internet". Many devices can be connected to a single source of Wifi. In much the same way, We are aspects, part and parcels of "Source". We still maintain our uniqueness and individuality within reality but our awareness here is extremely limited. We are eternal beings meaning we can never die. We are not the same entity within reality as we are in these simulated "realities".
When we enter a simulation we are permanently connected to a human body with no memory of who we were or are and are meant to identify with the human body as if it were us for as long as it lasts. We then grow and appropriate aspects of the human vessel as it were the real us. We only act as the human body and appropriate the functional protocols inside of the human vessels as our own. We tend to think we are "humans" when nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that we are like the "mind" inside of the human vessel which is not human nor is it physical. We are not physical beings. In quantum science, they have proven that nothing is physical in this world and that all is just energy grids oscillating other energy grid at extraordinary speeds. Look up the "holographic universe" aspect of this world as far as the quantum world is concerned. Some videos and books mentioned on this website provide more info on this issue.The points above have been extensively explained on this website.
Now, we will touch on something else that you need to absolutely be prepared for. You see, simulations are like interactive movies. They have a beginning and an end. The age of Aquarius is not what most people think that it is. The age of Aquarius which we have just entered at the turn of the 21st century is basically the end of the simulation although no specific date is known. In fact, this could take decades or longer because the dark ones have found a way to extend the simulation for their own twisted purposes. Please note that this is highly speculative because it's impossible for anyone to prove this statement is true. Disclaimer: this information is purely for spiritual and educational purposes as well as allegorical in nature. Take it with a pinch of salt and not necessarily at face value. However, be prepared nonetheless. The so-called "Great Reset" is not about what they told you that it is .i.e economic, social, political etc reset. It is about going back in time when the Earth matrix is reset from a set point in the medieval time some time around the 10th century and then they (those in or put in charge) will rewrite history and plan the same enslavement for humanity again. This is one of the biggest secrets ever. They will probably attack us further for revealing this truth but the truth must be known no matter the consequences. They have done this before over many time-loops. The age of aquarius is not about moving forward in time, it's about the fact that we are entering the ending of the world or the matrix program and therefore this is the time for them to work on their harvest of souls. This means that they need to remove billions of people (of which there are many souls and non-soul bodies) so they can easily recycle the souls that failed to awaken to the deception and will be re-inserted into the matrix and having to spend multiple lifetimes again up to the point where the matrix resets again. No one really knows the exact timing for the time-loop but when it when get close to it strange things would start to happen. They usually need to remove billions of people before the ultimate end. To understand why they keep resetting the matrix, you will need to read the Divine Secret Garden's books (time loop chronicles). That is why they try to bring about the death of billions of people before the ultimate end of the world for their own twisted purposes. They get a high of sort from the suffering and deaths they cause. They call it "loosh". But remember, this is a simulation therefore death is not real. However, as this is about the ending of this interactive movie although it's a repetitive one, the program will restart back in time when souls that have failed to properly awaken to the great deception will be reinserted into the matrix and have to do this all over again but given another chance to learn from their mistake. Ultimately, we are infinite beings which simply means that we are eternal beings that don't die, ever. That's quite a relief and you should rejoice at this news. However, that doesn't mean to say you body is immortal. Only the body dies not the real you. That real you is slightly experienced by yourself in your dreams. Think about it, you experience your dreams in "your mind" not in your body. The body and the mind are connect but they're two separate entities.
Do not be alarmed as death is not real since this is a simulation. It's similar to waking up from one dream and entering another one except the energy pattern is much denser in this "dream world" where you are permanently locked into your human vessel until the point where you leave it. So, death shouldn't shock you nor should it scare you once you have exposed yourself to a higher degree of knowledge and understand the mysteries of this quantum world of deception. You are an infinite being meaning you live forever and have always been in existence but the memories of your previous lives have been removed from your current awareness but these are accessible from the akashic records or from within the deepest recesses of the unconscious layers of your soul's mind.
You don't need to believe this for it to be true. It is true and the dark elites know it too. They know that the world is going towards its inevitable end which happened many times before and will continue to happen until all the remaining souls have awakened and will be given a chance to leave the matrix. This is a very bold statement and one that is impossible to believe but it is true. Read the Divine Secret Garden's book to figure this out. This is a very long story of sort. This information is not for everyone. Think about it, how would people react to the fact that the world is going to end soon? No one will believe it or if they do they won't really take it too seriously. But look around you? Why do you think the dark lords are murdering millions of people with their vaccines and getting away with it? They know it doesn't matter because we are now experiencing the "end times" but it is not the end of time because we are inside of a simulation that keeps being deliberately looped. As infinite beings, we cannot die. So, they use us as interactive agents to exact their evil deeds unless we awaken and refuse to comply. Eventually, we will exit their evil matrix and return home.
To be continued....
You really cannot talk about energy without mentioning the greatest scientist of this spacial temporal quantum reality. Yes, Nikola Tesla was the greatest scientist not Einstein but this is not about comparison it's more about acknowledgement of great scientific discoveries that are still being suppressed by the dark lords ruling over this mad world.
We must awaken and realise the blunder and re-educate ourselves before it's too late. No one is coming down to save us. No one is our lord and saviour, no one. We have helpers from the higher realms (including our divine brother Jeshua) if we seek for their help and assistance but that's never as much as we expect it. They need us to understand the complexity of the reality we exist in. Until we come to realise that we made a choice to enter these simulations and understand that we are inside of a simulation, we will not be able to exit it so easily. We need to accept our fate and being able to face up to it. Just like the "Oracle" character in the movie the "Matrix" said "you are not here to make a choice. You already made it. You are here to understand why you made that choice." We need to take responsibility for re-educating ourselves because only through exposure to real knowledge will we find a way to exit these simulations. We must learn why we do not belong here. We must let go of our attachment to this simulated world and truly re-educate ourselves with truth and knowledge which we can use and apply in certain circumstances as we further our awakening process. Knowledge is only power when you use and or apply it.
So, what is energy? Well, no one truly knows. We only know what energy becomes or what we can do with it. We see everything around us as normal stuff and we don't always seek for the deeper meaning of things. But yes, everything is energy taking a certain shape or form depending on the holographic principles of this matrix. According to the ancient texts and esoteric knowledge, energy is "spirit" which is "pure consciousness". Energy is creation and creation is "reality" and reality is all that ever truly exists. This means that energy is reality in its purity. Reality is everlasting, eternal, infinite and made up of pure divine infinite love at its core essence. Therefore, energy is infinite by its inherent nature. That means that energy cannot truly be understood from our current perspective given that we are interactive agents inside of a simulation and over 95% of the population has no idea of this fact thanks to the dark lords and their minions propagating their lies and deception. Whenever we are cast back into any Earth matrix we do not come back with any of our previous life memories and that is no accident. However, all of your memories exist within the holographic template aka Akashic records or in the book of remembrance.
As a matter of fact, there are many Earths all occupying the exact same place but only separated by frequency controls as each has their own unique frequency.
This is factually true and scientists (whistleblowers) in black governmental and unacknowledged projects have revealed this truth. They called them "parallel universes". You should look it up.
We exist in multiple dimensions (which are just similar worlds with slight or major differences) and all of them could be occupying the exact same place but separated by frequency. Here is an exerpt from the books, the Divine Secret Garden books about our state of multi-dimensionality:
"Picture yourself alone, and now see yourself reduplicated thousands of times. Each one of you is in type, likened unto a room, yet in each room there are distinct peculiarities, or slight differences. Each room is separated by a door, and each door is locked. Our brain in the human body is a frequency stabiliser. It creates the lock on our door. What we experience, what we learn, things around us, are all within a frequency lock within the third dimension. If we were able to unlock just one door we would see another frequency, it may or may not be similar, but it is still the soul-mind operating within a different regularity (i.e frequency). Just like when one has many dreams, and none of them are interlocking. At that moment two doors are opened side by side; a parallel world will have unveiled itself to the awareness.
Now let’s say we walk into the secondary room and the door behind us slams shut and locks. We would now view our new world with its slight changes, however, since we were aware of the frequency earlier we would also become aware of the changes.
While we are in the 3rd dimension we are separated from other parallel worlds, which we are also part of due to frequencies.
Therefore, the 4th dimension contains all the rooms that we explore. Yet once we get locked into one room then that is all we are aware of at that level, unless something anomalous occurs, where we enter or can see within another room.
However, there is another conundrum that we must be aware of and that is merging into dual or multiple timelines. What happens when a door is not locked after one enters through. Then a strange phenomenon occurs called "bleed through" or "dual frequency" overlap. What this means is, if one can bypass a lock, and the door somehow does not reset or lock behind them after one enters another room, it leaves open access for us to see both worlds at once creating a residual and dual frequency overlap.
Try to fathom this quirkiness, each room is programmed for you, even though an entire world is surrounding your consciousness, and even with all the people that seem to exist in your world, each person has their own frequency lock within the body.
What we witness or perceive is beyond us, and it is coming from within the matrix computer (i.e the 4th dimensional quantum computer) through the programmed brain via millions of files. There is nothing beyond or external from our holographic bodies. The brain is an interface connected to the mainframe of the computer.
Each body is an interface including parallel lives; which all connect to the same program (quantum computer program) but are separated by frequency controls. Therefore, our body is linked directly to the mainframe of the 4th dimensional quantum computer. And if a door between ourselves is unlocked we then automatically process the new frequency along with the old one.
Try to grasp this at this level of awareness, the computer is 4th dimensional, as a quantum computer. Our bodies are 3rd dimensional as simply one of the interfaces of the entire program. Our body is a world unto itself. Yet how do two or more people/bodies recognize the same world if we are all separated? Because whatever world we exist in at whatever frequency level, that same frequency is encoded within everyone else at that level. Let’s say a door is unlocked and opened between worlds, that door is only unlocked for the body/individual. So, how would anyone else recognize the change if it is individualized. The answer is complicated in that somehow an individual is linked between two or more time-loops and the result creates a mass connection consensus between two or more worlds.
Try to imagine setting up dominoes in a line where if you knock one over and then all of them fall throughout the duration. Now imagine the dominoes coming to a point where it knocks over not one but two unique dominoes, which also are both lined up as to continue the fall at a fork in the proverbial road.
A dual event would have been created and, yet it would remain single, because this dual line is the same line split in two. It is tantamount in having two choices and instead of making one decision, somehow both choices play out.
This is what you might call an entanglement, or when two interfaces collide and create new data for the 4th dimensional (quantum) computer to process. In-so-doing it allows the interface of the same frequency to create two different timelines.
If a change takes place or is added into the program, then that change will then domino effect into the future. And the change would instantly appear right at the nexus point where it had begun traveling down two different roads. And the two would appear similar, but one will remain in the mind and the other will appear via the programmed senses, visually, audibly etc.
The one will become a memory, the other will be the new programmed three-dimensional world. Both would be at the same exact time. And those who began at the same world frequency when the dominoes split, will possibly recognize the diversity. And those who were of the secondary parallel dimension will not recognize anything having occurred, because it hadn’t for them.
The question we might ask is, ‘how would others be involved if this was via one interface that created the issue?’ This is due when the door is opened it created what is called a leak. Just like when a water pipe fractures, it then leaks.
A single fracture on any part of the pipe can still flood an entire room. Thus, one mishap can create a new reality or in this case, a new illusion. Now picture it this way, let’s return to our room, this is our
individualized room called the avatar body, but it is the interface that allows for our entire world to appear. Now within our room/world, we see everyone else in the world also within our room. This is because each room has the same frequency. Only one of us, would have to unlock the door to another room that belongs to our individual program. However, once the door is unlocked, it spawns a leak of a new awareness that begins to flood the room. Everyone who was of the single frequency is now being bombarded or flooded with a new frequency. This new frequency is the domino effect and why it allows for everyone else in the same room to become aware of the change.
Yet, why wouldn’t the interfaces of the next parallel dimension also have the door unlocked. Wouldn’t the same principle apply to them since the leak opened the door?
Well, in truth it does, but the difference of those in the parallel world are not under the same frequency, they did not change. They were never aware of the other world. However, when the door opened, they become aware because all those from the previous world are telling them that something odd has occurred and that things have changed. This is how they become aware, but they most likely will not believe them since it was never part of their frequency, their frequency did not change.
So, they will fight and argue to keep their world intact and denounce everyone else as crazed wackos with memory problems. They will not see the change, the change only applied to the world of the same frequency. Then how do objects change or sometimes remain the same as a residual of the effect. This is because of the leak in the pipe. Some of the memory does manifest as a sensory conduit. This leads into the most important aspect of this conundrum. If things that you once remembered can disappear and become something else or simply vanish, then wouldn’t this also effect people, couldn’t they just disappear? Absolutely; and this will also be recognized by those of the dual frequency overlap. At times people might change, become someone different. Their personality may have warped, or they simply vanish as if they had never been there.
Let me try to explain this where you can understand. Each world we enter is called a frequency, it is nothing more than an energy regularity (i.e having energy vibrating at a particular cycle or frequency at the quantum level of awareness). Since the 3rd dimension does not allow 4th dimensional protocols, then every room in the 3rd dimension must be the dominant room. Understand dominancy. Each world has its own frequency that dominates or rules over their world.
Beyond residual overlap, most worlds only allow for one visual interface that would be common to all bound to that frequency. This way we are not witnessing changes morphing every second of every day, which would confuse, disorient and literally cause people to go insane.
The world you are witnessing even if it has changed is the dominant world. That is why one may notice something changed because the world they are now viewing is the dominant world. Just like dreams, one may enter a world that seems similar and yet it is not the same world one is living in before they began the dream. And as soon as they awaken, that dream world vanish and the dominant world takes over control."
Therefore, our lives are not truly our own. We are either being guided by our Benevolent and ever loving Divine Parent or we are simply being controlled by the dark lords through frequency controls or energy manipulation.
The easiest way to understand energy while we are in this 3rd dimensional virtual world is through our feelings. Think about it, we mostly act and react based on how we feel about something or someone. When you wish to do anything what you do not realise is that that action was already agreed to by your unconscious mind at least 7 seconds before your conscious mind was made aware of it. (We already discussed this fact with the work of Dr John Dylan Haynes). Your actions operate on a frequency (meaning the information has already been explored within the unconscious layer of your mind at a rate of vibration or energy oscillation). Basically, a frequency is a rate which energy routinely vibrates at. That rate is processed either through your brain via some synaptic or neuronal electric energy modulation which are then understood by your mind. We sometimes experience an electrical shock when you touch a cold surface or someone. This is as a result of something known as 'static current. Hence, the shock we feel is when electrons move quickly towards the protons.
According to the following article; "static electricity is generated whenever two materials are in contact with each other. All materials are made up of electrically charged atoms. In the universe there are equal amounts of negative electrical charge (electrons) and positive charge (protons). These generally stay in balance at every location. However, when two materials are in contact, some of the charges redistribute by moving from one material to another. This leaves an excess of positive charge on one material and an equal negative charge on the other. When the materials move apart, each takes its own charge with it. One material becomes charged positively and the other negatively. If the materials are able to conduct electricity away the charges will dissipate and eventually recombine. In this case, static electricity effects may be too small to be noticed. However, if the charges are separated faster than the material can dissipate them, the amount of electrostatic charge builds up. Eventually a high voltage, and the effects of static electricity, may be noticed."
There you have it. Another elucidation as to the fact that everything literally is energy. Why else would be experiencing static shock on inert items or even human avatar bodies? It's simply because, based on the explanation above, the universe we appear to exist in is nothing more than a bunch of energy cluster made of energy grids oscillating other energy grids vibrating at varying frequencies and somehow interacting with each other and allowing us to experience the illusory term of "real" or "reality" as we falsely call things. This doesn't mean to say that nothing is real. Our experiences are real somehow but nothing is real here. However, there is a "real reality" out there within the "spirit" world where everything is consciousness experience and eternally real with a level of beauty that is and will forever be unfathomable to us while we are locked up in this simulation. a copy can never replicate the beauty of the real thing. be continued
Where exactly do you think intuitions come from? Everything has a source. Everything. That's because everything is energy and energy, although it's actually infinite in its purest state, comes from somewhere. That somewhere is the Divine Realm aka "Source" reality. As an example, think of WIFI; you connect to WIFI which comes from a modem/router which comes from an internet service provider which is then generated through IP (internet protocol) addresses etc....
Therefore, our thoughts are not our own. Thoughts are energy and they vibrate at various frequencies which are also contained within a specific frequency encompassing the whole. For example, the speed of thought has been estimated to be between 70 to 120 metres per second. This means, for example, that if you have a frequency modulator that is optimized to detect thought frequencies you can literally read or see people's thoughts as they see it through your technological device. Or if you could vibrate at the right frequencies, you can interfere with other's thoughts and see what they see and know what they know. Yes, mind reading technology is real and exists but we do not have the privilege to have such technology shared with us yet. Remember, "it's a big club" for the powers that shouldn't be "and we are not in it." George Carlin.
As far as the speed of thought is concerned, here's an example of how thoughts travel according to,small%2Ddiameter%2C%20unmyelinated%20fibers%20of. "How much myelination a neuron has is also important in determining its conductivity of electricity. (A myelination is a mixture of proteins and phospholipids forming a whitish insulating sheath around many nerve fibres, which increases the speed at which impulses are conducted). Some nerve cells have myelin cells that wrap around the neuron to provide a type of insulation sheath. The myelin sheath isn’t completely continuous along a neuron; there are small gaps in which the nerve cell is exposed. Nerve signals effectively jump from exposed section to exposed section instead of traveling the full extent of the neuronal surface. So, signals move much faster in neurons that have myelin sheaths than in neurons that don’t. The message will get to New York sooner if it passes from cellphone tower to cellphone tower than if the courier drives the message along each and every inch of the road. In the human context, the signals carried by the large-diameter, myelinated neurons that link the spinal cord to the muscles can travel at speeds ranging from 70-120 meters per second (m/s) (156-270 miles per hour[mph]), while signals traveling along the same paths carried by the small-diameter, unmyelinated fibers of the pain receptors travel at speeds ranging from 0.5-2 m/s (1.1-4.4 mph). That’s quite a difference!"
Do you understand the magnitude of the discovery mentioned above? If everything is energy, that means that the real you is contained within your own mind and not inside of the human avatar body that you are currently using to experience this current version of this extremely advanced form of a "virtual reality simulation". Energy cannot be destroyed. Therefore, you as an energy being are "infinite and always have been and always will be". Just because we have been somehow imprisoned by some malevolent multidimensional beings in their virtual realities doesn't mean we won't find our own exit doors. They cannot keep us prisoners forever. But they do think they can simply because they are still deceiving so many of us. However, they will only keep their own created soulless androids perpetually enslaved not those of us from the divine realm because physical and non-physical beings in the higher realms have started to awaken to this notion of enslavement of infinite beings and are actively working towards our ultimate freedom. We are not awakening on our own terms. We are being helped from the higher realms even though most do not realise this fact.
Life is therefore not and never has been anything we have ever been told that it is. There is no life here, there is only death. Real life only exist within reality where we not only remember and regain our original mind and memories, but also we will become all knowing and all powerful as pure spirit energy beings from the divine realm which only exists within reality. The physical reality that we experience within this world is an illusion. That is a fact and it's been proven in quantum physics.
Your emotions are energy. Emotion literally comes from Greek and French meaning to move someone emotionally. The E in emotion literally means "energy" and motion is self-explanatory. Therefore, your emotions are energy in motion. If everything is energy it means energy is infinite and is everywhere. As such, you are part of that "infinite sea of energy". This is hard to accept. This is beyond us but it is true and we must finally awaken to it. We have so much to learn. We are not and never have been and never will be alone. We have help from the higher realms and they deeply love us. They help us whenever we come to the end of a simulation and help those of us graduating to the higher realms make the transition by infusing us with real knowledge and divine wisdom. When you are graced with Divine Awareness you begin to think clearly and concisely. You begin to be hungry for more knowledge daily. You crave truth and you will stop at nothing to find it.
The beings that enslaved us in this reality know us deeply, profoundly, intimately and beyond. They know us so well that we cannot escape them at all unless we take the "bread of life" which is the divine spiritual knowledge. Again, this is similar to intuition. That is why when you are being lied to, suddenly you know it. You know you are being lied to but you don't know how you came to knowing it but you just do. Intuitions, especially at the quantum level of awareness, do help us find our centre. It helps us think rationally.
There are ways in which you might begin to discover the fact that you ARE NOT the flesh and blood body. That is a massive relief as it liberates you from the failures of the body in the first place. People tend to make the case that they are imperfect simply because their body tends to fail them. That's not true. You cannot experience perfection in a limited reality or rather in a virtual reality simulation due to the encoding and protocols of the game's constructs. Do you understand what we are saying here? You cannot always blame yourself for the mistakes of the body. You are only experiencing what the body desires for you to do. You are not really in charge of your body. How often do you think to yourself "I don't do stuff like that; that's not me" yet you end up doing just that? It's not random, it's all part of the holographic encoding of the matrix. But that doesn't mean to say that it's ok to commit a crime or harm yourself or others. You obviously have to learn to distinguish between your differing state of interaction within this simulation. This simulation truly is the ultimate "test of the soul or infinite being that you truly are"!
Below is an excerpt taken from the 6th book of the Divine Secret Garden's books called "The Time Loop chronicles; the day the earth fell backward". This excerpt will lay out a small aspect of the evidence proving you are not the body but the awareness co-existing with the mind of the human vessel once you gain your awareness of the human body when you wake up everyday.
Excerpt: "In the following verses, I am going to remove the word ‘sin’, and then replace it with the word ‘program’ or ‘programmed’ so that you will be able to understand this mystery.’ The program is the simulation (SIN= Simulation Interactive Network). Once you recognize this change from its earlier format, you will be amazed how everything was coded to reveal the truth. Also, I am removing the word ‘spiritual law and or Christ’ as in Christ consciousness for the ‘Panem Vitae.’ This is what I have written down, please glance at it carefully.”
The verse begins… “We know that the Panem Vitae is spiritual; but I am (as pertaining to the body) unspiritual, sold as a slave to the program. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate, (that) I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the Panem Vitae is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is the program operating (with) in me. For I know that good itself does not dwell in (The program), that is, in my programmed nature. For I (the soul) have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the program I do not want to follow—this I keep on allowing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is the program living in me that does it. So, I find the Panem Vitae at work, although I want to do well, (the program) is right there with(in) me. For in my inner being (The Soul within the Body) I delight in the Panem Vitae. However, I see another program at work within me, waging war against the Panem Vitae of my mind and making me a prisoner of the will of the program at work within me. What a wretched person I am. Who will rescue me from this (Programmed) body of death? Thanks, be to the Panem Vitae …” It seems to be saying that we are locked in a war within ourselves, and things what we do which is often wrong is not because of who or what we are as a soul, it is because of this programming inside of us taking over the controls. I was amazed and responded to the Chief saying, “This is incredible to me. I never realized our body was a program.” The Chief continued his oration, “This is the key to everything, and it is all so very misunderstood because most do not understand the process of what is going on in this realm. Our body has a generated life of its own, it is programmed to function a certain way. But when the true consciousness enters the body, it goes into a war mode. We begin to have a war within ourselves."
"This is critical. If we do not have this war going on, then we are either only the program itself or the seed of Sol Malum. Why is that, you might ask yourself? Because the true spirit of the Caelestus Pater consciousness via the Panem Vitae is who the true seeds really are. It is not the body they wear. The body is a cloak, as a veil or covering, hiding within its true consciousness or lack thereof, either being programmed alone or seeded via the Caelestus Pater consciousness or seeded via Sol Malum. The difference is, the Diabolis programmed these bodies via the DNA console, and these bodies have become an elaborate structure of biological life. Thus, any of Sol Malum’s children will certainly mesh within the programming, it will seem very natural to them, and there will be no fight, or internal battle going on. Their fight will be against others outside of them as they fight for control, because survival of the fittest is how the program operates.
They will blend into the body as a perfect slipper that Cinderella might wear. However, when the Caelestus Pater seed is implanted into these bodies, which is simply our soul consciousness, then a war begins. A brutal all-out fight going on within the members of our body. We are constantly battling what is wrong so that we can do what is right, and often the program defeats us. This does not mean the soul is a failure even though the body fails. Just like the story in the Bible, if this war was not going on, then we would not be of the Caelestus Pater consciousness. So, the war within is our testament to who we belong to. If this war is occurring, it is our proof that we belong to another, beyond this world. The battle is the key-defining reality, the only reason there would be a battle, is because those that are experiencing it are truly the children of the Great Father and Mother in the sky of a higher dimension of reality.
If we live our life without a thought towards what we do daily, without realizing anything is amiss, then something is obviously wrong, the program is ruling. In truth though, it won't matter to that body mask, because if this is the case, to the body that is operating this way, it won't care anyway, because it won't affect it, i.e. therefore, there is no battle. Do you understand what I am saying, only to those who are in this war is realizing a battle is being played out within their own body, of the Caelestus Pater consciousness, that it is in a war with the Diabolis Programming? If this war is not taking place, then there is no true seed within. There simply cannot be. For the Caelestus Pater consciousness is not of this world or body, and thus the interactive state is in a state of flux, a battle, and a war. Now some true souls may be giving into this fight, and it might not show as much in their outer actions because they are losing the battle. These are souls that are being debilitated by the artificial reality, or the holographic program. And thus, will need to be replanted at another time to try again, unless they awaken.” “Replanted? These terms throw me off, it sounds like we are garden.” ....Read the book to better understand what we are talking about here!!! (Read the book for more information of listen to it on Youtube using the link under the book. You will find this excerpt inside the 6th book of the Divine Secret Garden's books series called the Time Loop Chronicles). Find the books for free on the books section at the top of this website. Please do yourself a favour and read them repeatedly if possible because these are critical times and these books will heal you somehow by enriching you with knowledge and wisdom which you may absolutely need to conduct your life fairly and decently with a Divine presence of sort...
Furthermore, mainstream scientists have estimated the speed of thoughts being between 85 to 115. First of all, that is such an arbitrary estimate with very little evidence to substantiate this claim. What is this out of, 250, 1000, a million, infinity? What kind of nonsense is this? And yet, seemingly intelligent people go along with this erroneous notion of intelligence.
Here's how the bullocks about IQ started according to the following website:
See an excerpt about the way the IQ test came to be. "Today's intelligence tests are based largely on the original test devised in the early 1900s by French psychologist Alfred Binet. To identify students in need of extra assistance in school, the French government asked Binet to devise a test that could be used to discover which students were most in need of academic help. Based on his research, Binet developed the concept of mental age.2 Children of certain age groups quickly answered certain questions. Some children were able to respond to the questions typically answered by children of an older age, so these children had a higher mental age than their actual chronological age. Binet's measure of intelligence was based on the average abilities of children of a particular age group. Intelligence tests are designed to measure a person's problem-solving and reasoning abilities.1 Your IQ score is a measure of fluid and crystallized intelligence. Your score on an IQ test indicates how well you did on these tests of mental abilities compared to other people in your age group."
Are they seriously using a 100+ years old test to determine intelligence? Is this a joke? But no no, they absolutely believe in this nonsense and expect us all to just go along with it. I can appreciate where some people may be "mentally challenged", respectfully. However, that still doesn't mean to say that "intelligence" is measurable at all.
What exactly is intelligence? How can you measure intelligence without using the flawed methods from the mainstream? Think of AI, isn't that some form of intelligence that behaves as if it is sentient? By this analysis, what exactly is intelligence or rather what exactly is "sentient intelligence"? Intelligence, according to Cambridge dictionary, is "the ability to learn, understand, and make judgments or have opinions that are based on reason".
How can we accept this rudimentary explanation of "intelligence"? Artificial intelligence doesn't just have the ability to learn, understand and make judgement but it doesn't always operate on reason but on a mathematical logic based on the inputs received. Yet, AI is so advanced these days that it also feels eerily sentient. Heard about Sophia the robot? Here is a statement from Hanson Robotics about their state-of-the-art achievement in AI development: "Hanson Robotics’ most advanced human-like robot, Sophia, personifies our dreams for the future of AI. As a unique combination of science, engineering, and artistry, Sophia is simultaneously a human-crafted science fiction character depicting the future of AI and robotics, and a platform for advanced robotics and AI research."
Whether you consider yourself human or consciousness (as is encourage on this website), you cannot allow yourself to agree with the mainstream notion of intelligence regarding IQ simply because it isn't true especially when you consider the current technological achievements in the world. So, then what really is intelligence? Could it be that intelligence is a self-sustaining sentient entity? If this is true could it be that "intelligence" emanates from the "mind"? If so, could it be the case that "sentient intelligence" is an intrinsic aspect of "infinite consciousness"? If this is true, then "intelligence" must essentially be infinite. If this is true, how can you measure that which is infinite? You cannot take IQ as a proper metric for intelligence especially when you consider consciousness as the overarching source for intelligence whether sentient or otherwise. AI does get updated in much the same way a human brain does expand (or upgrades) through the process of neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity as previously explained.
Therefore, it is unintelligent to measure or even attempt to measure that which is clearly immeasurable. Just because someone is not showing a great trait of intelligence at a specific time does not mean they cannot improve on it. No 2 year hold can hold a bachelor degree at that age. They obviously must go through the process like everyone else. So, as Einstein eloquently put it, "everybody is a genius. But if you condemn a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid". Therefore, do not be limited to the notion that you are under any level of the erroneous IQ attributed to everyone in this world. If you are an infinite being, you cannot be limited by anything at all even though you are inside of a limited reality where intelligence is severely limited. The matrix cannot exactly stop you but it won't make it easy for you either. You are limitless by your inherent nature simply because you are an infinite being even though we are or seem limited by the construct of the matrix. Do not stoop low on your standards just because everyone else expects you to be on their level. Mark Twain said "if you argue with stupid people they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience". be continued
The simulation; theory or fact?
Are we living in a simulation? The debate about this issue started many decades ago and was the subject of some serious considerations. The quantum world has been flexing its muscles about this debate with little evidence at the time. However, as things moved on, the quantum world has found more proof suggesting that the entire universe that we see, is nothing more than a giant hologram with an inordinate and intricate type of energy grids oscillating other energy grids (more on this in the CIA document mentioned in the book section available for free download). But before we get into the specifics of the findings in quantum sciences about the holographic or simulated universe that we are inside of currently, let's first find out what a "simulation" actually is at least from a third dimensional point of view.
What is the definition of a simulation in this world as accepted by mainstream scientists?
First, what is the definition of a simulation by modern dictionaries?
According to the Merriam Webster dictionary a simulation is the act or process of simulating; a sham object:COUNTERFEIT, the imitative representation of the functioning of one system or process by means of the functioning of another a computer simulation of an industrial process; examination of a problem often not subject to direct experimentation by means of a simulating device.
According to Wikipedia, a simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time. Simulations require the use of models; the model represents the key characteristics or behaviours of the selected system or process, whereas the simulation represents the evolution of the model over time. Often, computers are used to execute the simulation. A simulation is used in many contexts, such as simulation of technology for performance tuning or optimising, safety engineering, testing, training, education, and video games. A simulation is also used with scientific modelling of natural systems or human systems to gain insight into their functioning, as in economics. A simulation can be used to show the eventual real effects of alternative conditions and courses of action. A simulation is also used when the real system cannot be engaged, because it may not be accessible, or it may be dangerous or unacceptable to engage, or it is being designed but not yet built, or it may simply not exist.
Key issues in modelling and simulation include the acquisition of valid sources of information about the relevant selection of key characteristics and behaviours used to build the model, the use of simplifying approximations and assumptions within the model, and fidelity and validity of the simulation outcomes. Procedures and protocols for model verification and validation are an ongoing field of academic study, refinement, research and development in simulations technology or practice, particularly in the work of computer simulation.
Though there may be some truths in the way the word "simulation" is defined above, the type of simulation we are talking about here is much more complex and far more advanced than you can ever imagine. Now please understand that, though the attempt to explain the "simulation" as a matter of fact is by no means the only way to shed more light on the nature of this virtual reality simulation but it certainly paints a better picture of it helping us understanding it from our limited point of view here in the third dimensional realm. Ultimately, it's up to you what you make of this information.
Further views on the definition of the simulation from other sources that explain the word "simulation" from their point of view. Let's continue with the world's notion of the term simulation for a little while.
Here are other definitions of a simulation by other sources.
A simulation is "a large number of scenarios and outcomes … are impossible to comprehend and evaluate without the help of a computer simulation model (Harrington and Tumay, 2000)."
A simulation is normally used to assess the current or predict the future or the performance of a business process. The concept is designed to help practitioners and business owners discover new ways to improve their business processes through the use of mathematical, statistical and other analytical methods.
A simulation is any research or development project where researchers or developers create a model of some authentic phenomenon. Many aspects of the natural world can be transformed into mathematical models, and using a simulation allows IT systems to mimic the outcomes that happen in the natural world.
Now, let's talk about holograms. What are they?
What is a hologram?
"A hologram is an image created by a photographic projection of a recording of a light field rather than an image formed by some sort of lens. It appears as a three-dimensional representation on a two-dimensional object, which can be seen without intermediate optics such as goggles or glasses. Hologram refers to both the physical medium that diffracts the light to create the image and the resulting image itself."
"A hologram is a physical structure that diffracts light into an image. The term ‘hologram’ can refer to both the encoded material and the resulting image. A holographic image can be seen by looking into an illuminated holographic print or by shining a laser through a hologram and projecting the image onto a screen."
"These holograms are created by splitting a laser beam into two separate beams, using an angled mirror. This then forms an object beam and a reflection beam. Heading in different directions, both are reflected off of other angled mirrors. The object beam is then reflected off of the object that will form the hologram image, and finally onto the end surface (also known as the holographic plate), while the reflection beam is directed straight onto the plate. As these two beams come together the hologram is created."
In short, a hologram is a copy of something by using laser light and splitting and diffracting into an image on a holographic plate. Therefore, a hologram must absolutely be a copy of something. If this is true, which it is, then the world we are currently experiencing must be a hologram made out of something real perhaps from the higher dimensions. More on this further below.
Now we step into our version of events as far as exposing the truth about the fact that the reality we seem to be experiencing or that we seem to be inside of is in fact a simulation. Yes, this world is a computer generated world. This is a projected world from a 4th dimensional quantum computer into the 3rd dimensional realm. The third dimensional realm is also a simulated plain field of interaction something akin to a holo-deck or substrate contained within the 4th dimension sort of like Russian dolls inside of each other. The 3rd dimension is an energetic projected from the 4th dimensions inside of itself but with a much denser energetic frequency. This is nothing you've ever come across before and if you have then you would appreciate the complexity of this subject matter.
Interestingly enough, the creation of a simulation of any kind will be created based on or abide by some kind of mathematical, statistical and other analytical methods of running certain variable models to assess all possible outcomes in a given scenario. In much the same way, it is arguable that the "universe" we appear to exist in is most likely a creation made up of dimensions that are the result of some precise mathematical equations. Thus, everything in this simulation must be obeying certain mathematical laws of shape and form which are the result of some mathematical equation computed by a quantum computer from the 4th dimensional realm and projected into the 3rd dimension. In fact, if you look at everything around you including your human body, you will see shapes and forms that seem to obey some mathematical laws of shape, form, height, size and other variables. In short, a simulation is a copy of something or the creation of a variable model in order to come to a conclusion to serve an agenda or run an experiment to which only a simulation would help find a workable solution.
The link below shows how photo-realistic the current gaming experiences have become. The video below shows a motorbike racing gaming footage from the gaming console PS5 (Playstation 5). Notice how it's almost indistinguishable from reality as we know it. The next generation gaming experiences are likely to take us inside of the actual games for an exclusive closeness to the game where we won't be able to tell the difference between the game and the reality we are currently experiencing. How is this possible at all, you may ask? They already have that technology and we are seeing it unfold before our eyes. They are replicating the same thing in the 3rd dimensional realm. It's done through mind transference technology where you may go into a sleep mode and wake up inside of the video game having full control of the avatar body inside of the game. This is not too far-fetched, the technology already exist but it is obviously suppressed for now. However, there are videos showing toys that are controlled by the mind through brainwave controls. If there is a future for humanity, they will create a virtual reality game similar to this world and require everyone to be plugged into it for some bullshit reasons similar to what is currently unfolding before us. These are not benevolent entities.
SO, how is this done at all? How can you create a life-like reality with technology? How is this world a simulated world? What's involved in creating a holographic simulation of this magnitude? How does this allow the interactive agents to enter and interact within the simulation? These are some of the questions we will seek to provide some groundbreaking answers to. You can also further look this up in quantum sciences. We are living in an information age, do not dismiss something out of hands without doing the leg work.
We have talked about what a hologram is from above. But how can we interact inside of a hologram? How is this world or cosmos a holographic projection? If you have read the divine secret garden's book series by now, you will have come across the definition of "the womb simulation" by one of the protagonist in the series of the time loop chronicles (book 7). This protagonist is from a different dimension similar to our own. Her depiction of the holographic creation is very accurate scientifically and shed more light on how this hologram was created. Here's an exert of her account: " The WOMB Simulation; Written by Professor Laura Thol: What if the world we are living in right now is a simulated world belonging within a simulated Universe that is using the nature of the birthing from the womb to create everything we see with our eyes? What is creation? Who is God? Could it be God is the name of the program that operates this Universe? Could ‘God’ be a holographic computer program.
Since I began my computer simulation project I have looked at the possibility of our Universe being a simulated creation, that is using the principle of the womb of a mother to recreate something out of something else. But this would only be a reproduction, an artificial reality and it would not be authentic. After spending a lot of time working on my programmed thesis, I came up with the name that I believe this program is named after. I call it the… Super Ultra Optical Artificial Laser Light Matrical Mega-scope. My design reveals something extraordinary. That creation involves the womb of a mother linked to producing large facsimiles or images, somewhat akin to holographs. By using a laser projection using an extremely high-end powerful light-source which can mimic reality, by simulating it through a holographic projection of a simulated womb.
Take a child inside the womb of a mother, it begins as a tiny seed source and then expands based on the DNA parameters and becomes a human being. Now what if this entire universe was based on a light source. What if the seed was light?
In computer operations, everything begins with programming at the most detailed level. It is then projected upon a screen using light waves or lasers in a sense. This creation in this world is a birthing process that continues repeatedly. We might call it reincarnation, or transmigration of the SOUL, which is a repetitive computer simulation trapping the soul continuously in time, repeating cycles of a program. Each light energy wave is based upon what we call pixels and each pixel is a miniature piece of the puzzle that when expanded creates a life like image for the ‘eye’ to see. And this is what I began to envision. What if the universe is an optical creation, and everything within is part of a simulated body externally?
Thus, we have a large eye not only watching over its creation, but it is part of the creation, as a large all-seeing-eye within the programming brain of the procedure. And what if the large all-seeing-eye is the power source of this creation. Now let’s break it down. There is this optical power that sits in the center of everything. The ancients use to call it the Pineal Gland and it refers to an EYE that can peer beyond or above as the PARA-EYE which sees everything, omniscient. This all-seeing-eye is stationed within the back to lower center of the two hemispheres of the brain. It is as small as a grain of rice, somewhat appearing like a pine comb. Now imagine that the EYE is the visual of the entire brain source of this program, just like our brain sends optical firing darts as electrical impulses allowing our eyes to be the visual aid of what is coming from the depths of the programming or mind of the computer brain within. Therefore, the all-seeing-eye is the mind of the entire operation, yet it only appears as an EYE, not a brain. Yet like our brains, the Pineal gland is internal within the brain, not external unlike our human eyes, which are compared to computer monitors.
Thus, I would conclude that the all-seeing-eye is inside something else but it appears as an eye or large round object, maybe somewhat akin to the SUN itself. I then began to meditate about how our sun sits in the center of what we call the Solar System. Like the pineal gland sits in the center of the brain, and the two hemispheres are its orbits encircling the eye. And it is the true operational device of the entire brain because it can react and take in information from beyond the local awareness level, like an overall power source. The eye is the operational guide that we may call the watcher. The one that is aware of the system internally but it is projecting it out externally. And the two hemispheres of the brain are really in effect a virtual simulation taking in only what is being programmed into it, such as the orbital figure-8, which represents the infinity, as the EYE that oversees all. The brain is then the file folders representing the software or anything external coming in. And the eye is the watcher. Therefore, the matter based bodies are the hardware of the program, including planets etc. Yet these bodies in general may not be real. It may also be part of the simulation. It may also mean our human body is part of a simulation and it also is not real, yet something is happening behind the scenes that we do not understand, and that is a simulated birthing within a womb is taking place. Just like a baby comes from the womb of the mother so also a new creation is coming from the womb of this simulation. But the baby first had to be formed, otherwise all it would be is the original seed or light.
What we are talking about here is a program is being formed like a baby. Often when people create or devise things they call it their baby. It is their own creation. Using the computer simulation that I have theorized, I began to realize that the body may be an inner computer shell, or better stated, a computer system within a larger system. Its legs and arms are the planetary system of a solar system or light projection. Its cells are all the working components, somewhat like little tiny baby seedlings trapped inside cages all being part of the entire working function of the body central, but they are not yet born or maybe they are not even cognizant. And the eyes of all the babies as cells trapped inside are like the lens of the computer, as individual pixels like a monitor functioning as a computer screen. And this provides our external awareness in this simulated world. But the Pineal Gland is unique. It belongs to someone else. And its power seems to be unlimited in a realm of copies and fakes, originating from something else. Therefore, I must conclude that our cosmos is on a backdrop of a screen and that is how we are seeing the holographic nature of things. it is being projected, it isn’t there, but where is it being projected from?
My only conclusion is that it is coming from the power source, which appears to be the super eye inside of the system which is regulating it likened as a birth process within the womb of a mother. What this tells me is, we are witnessing a continuous state of a birth that never actually leads to being born, and we are all part of the process somehow like we are inside the womb of a mother source, and we are all being processed, not once, but repeatedly, making it appear as being born again, but in truth we are never leaving the embryo. However due to the nature of the simulation it is highly unlikely that this creation is good, yet it uses light as representative as the positive awareness, but it also supplies darkness or the negative side, as two sides of a working polarity.
In retrospect, it appears the creator is creating what is tantamount to a Frankenstein monster. But how do we fit in? This is where I believe we must be part of this system from afar, located in some sort of shell or cage that has trapped us. And this process is trying to change who we are internally by forcing us into the pre-programmed fabricated illusion as if we are being brought back into the womb of a mother, but this time it is not our mother, it is unfamiliar mother. It is revealing we are somewhere else, and belong to someone else but somehow, we were taken captive and now we are prisoners by another force or power. And this new power is trying to change who we are by supplying it with a new-mind, and a new creation. It is trying to change us using the birthing process, into something we do not belong to. Therefore, I feel that we have lived here time and time again. Somehow, we are being forced to continue to be part of a process that is trying to mold us into something else, but it is conflicting with our true nature. And it is taking a very long time for this procedure to make this change inwardly. Thus, I conclude, whoever is doing this cannot succeed, because the nature we come from must be reality, and reality cannot turn into a non-reality or a simulation. Therefore, there must come a time where we can break free from this new womb. Maybe by simply waking up to the fact that it is happening. THE END!" Or is it? Read the Divine Secret Garden Book series to find out more. (This part is from a chapter from book 7).
Here's a brief description of the book according to the following website: :
"Today nearly everyone is familiar with holograms, three-dimensional images projected into space with the aid of a laser.
Now, two of the world's most eminent thinkers -- University of London physicists David Bohm, a former protege of Einstein's and one of the world's most respected quantum physicists, and Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, one of the architects of our modern understanding of the brain -- believe that the universe itself may be a giant hologram, quite literally a kind of image or construct created, at least in part, by the human mind.
This remarkable new way of looking at the universe explains not only many of the unsolved puzzles of physics, but also such mysterious occurrences as telepathy, out-of-body and near death experiences, "lucid" dreams, and even religious and mystical experiences such as feelings of cosmic unity and miraculous healings." :
Despite its apparent materiality, the universe is actually a kind of 3-D projection and is ultimately no more real than a hologram, a 3-D image projected in space and made with the aid of a laser. Using this model, a world-renowned physicist and a Nobel prize winning neurophysiologist has developed a new description of reality. It encompasses not only reality as we know it, including hitherto unexplained phenomena of physics, but is capable of explaining such occurrences as telepathy, paranormal and out-of-the-body experiences, lucid dreaming and even mystical and religious traditions such as cosmic unity and miraculous healings. In part one, the author explains in simple prose the theory behind a holograph and its traditional applications to science. In part two, he shows the panoramic way in which the holographic model makes sense of the entire range of mystical, spiritual and psychic experience. Finally, in part three, he explores the implications for other universes beyond our own.
You can get the book from Amazon's bookstore and audible. be continued
First you must understand that you are an infinite being. It won't be easy to accept this as truth but it is the truth unless you are not connected to the divine ancestry. An infinite being is a being that has always been in existence and will forever exist. It's a being that is projected from a spirit and spirit can only exist within reality. A spirit entity is not a being that exists in a "body" or "form". Spirits do not have forms, they are contained within their own mind. A spirit is pure consciousness and can do and be all things no exceptions. A spirit can have an infinite amount of souls to explore all of reality for eternity.
As such, spirit sent out soul-probes into the virtual realities created by the archons outside of reality. The Archons fell into the 4th dimension from the 5th dimension and the higher realms when they used to exist within reality. They fell because of their perverse behaviours and were becoming threatening to other peaceful beings within reality and they needed to be confined before they could spread like a disease and infect others with their demented mindset. More on them in the Books (the Divine Secret Garden's books).
This reality is a virtual reality (simulation) so advanced that its constructs and properties are beyond us at our current level of awareness.
But how is this possible? Isn't everything contained within "reality" even if this is a simulation? That used to be the case until the fall of the fallen angels (aka the archons). The archons and more importantly the chief archon (Lucifer) used to be a beloved angel and the most powerful angel that was ever created. But this angel started a rebellion and stupidly tried to subvert the will of all others within reality. Therefore, they were confined to the 4th dimensional realm which is sort of like a phantom zone. Read the Divine Secret Garden books to understand how all of this happened. Check out the book section.
What happens when we die? Where do we go? Does anyone really know what happens in the afterlife? What about the accounts of NDE (near death experiencers)? Are these accounts with any merits? What about the biblical account of the afterlife? Is it even true? Is there any shred of truth in it? Do hell and heaven exist as explained in the bible or in other scriptures? What if these are otherworldly dimensional realms created as part of the same matrix that we are inside of? What if those places are created in the astral plains? How can we verify anything said by anyone about the illusory terms of the "afterlife"? This is a tricky one. No one truly knows what happens in the "afterlife" unless you have access to advanced 3rd or 4th dimensional devices that can read into the Akashic records of the afterlife or simply hack into the matrix. There's always a record of everything even if it's illusory.
Here's another account of what happens in the afterlife for us "souls aka infinite beings" when we are captured in the tunnel of light that most people so wonderfully talk about, which depicts what happens when we experience the illusory term of death. In the following excerpt, which is part of book 7 of the Divine Secret Gardens book series, the "Chief" gives an account of what happens to souls in the afterlife and how to avoid being captured again if you ever experience the illusory term of death whenever your time comes:
"While we passed the time away during our break sessions, the Chief began to relay to me some important topics that would answer some questions that I had concerning the many days we had spent together.
Everything that I had been told by the Chief went into my notepads. Although, some things have now changed. The Chief alerted me to the fact that there are mysteries that can’t just be frivolously announced, they must come in a specific order once the mind is primed.
If the mind is not clued-up it will reject everything that it is receiving because of the original programming. The program is designed to make sure one does not figure out how this world operates. If that is ever violated there would be severe repercussions from those who rule over the masses. There is a myriad of control factors being implemented that are being used in fighting against everyone.
It is constant battle that is revealing truth must come by way of a step by step initiative, so the mind linked with soul can cope with and dissolve the programming. In a sense, one must be reprogrammed to remove the programming.
It was then the Chief interrupted my thinking process and then began speaking these words."
“Do you know what a waiting room is?”
“Yes, it is where people go when they are waiting for something, such as a birth of a child, or waiting on news from a doctor as to how the operation emerged.”
“Yes, that is true, but the waiting room I am speaking of is what happens to Ghosts? Have you wondered by what I have spoken thus far as to why it is that ghosts are free to roam? Why are they not picked up like everyone else when the tunnel of light opens?”
“Chief, I had wondered about that because if the tunnel of light was designed to pick up souls, why are there souls that seem to linger?”
“The common thought to this, is that some souls are so distraught they get trapped between worlds. And for some reason they do not desire to enter the light until a time when they are ready.
However, this is not completely true. The fact is everything must happen in order of the time a soul is to return. Understand the mystery, when the tunnel of light is turned on it is there because it needs that specific soul to be recycled immediately, a specific body in the program has become available for that entity.
There is at that point a new body being prepared for that soul, so it can re-enter the world of the living, which is the world of the dead, or the sleeping.
There are times in the life of a planet where many people die at the same time, due to war, disasters and disease, and when this occurs there are not enough bodies being born to match the number of souls that have passed, which are also linked to that souls’ common connector to return. Those not prepared for a body are left to remain in the waiting rooms.”
“Ghosts are sent to a waiting room, hmmm? The stories I have read about ghosts seems like they are stuck, trapped, locked into a continuous stream of mind events that seem to duplicate repeatedly.”
“What you need to realize is that the dimension in which ghosts enter, if they have yet to be picked up by the abductors in the light, this place has many compartments or apartments. Try to look at it like a house with many rooms.
Each room has an energy frequency that is compatible to like energies. As an example, if the soul which enters had left the world as a murderer, being a deviant and over-all bereft of good character. This creates an energy signal causing it to comply with something similar in frequency.
This soul would instantly find the room that is suitable to its energy pattern. That specific energy is a dimension located in the lower fourth dimensional realm, yet still being inside the program still being asleep, but no longer locked into the 3rd dimensional dream, but is now locked into another event of the same dream.
It is a room that allows for said natures to exist as compliant to like, as to being unto like, energy after energy, frequency after the same frequency. A good soul will not enter a lower dimensional room except for monitoring purposes, because their energy is not compliant. Neither can a soul, which is dark would be attached to a room of light and goodness.”
“Chief, if one is a good soul why are they not freed from this prison?”
“There is a big difference between what we call good and evil and what true Goodness is all about. The good of the world no matter how good it might be, is still not compliant to the Caelestus Pater.”
“What does the Caelestus Pater expect from us and does he also have an energy?”
“Of course, it is very difficult to return unto him, because the energy that we form in this lower world is never high enough to enter back into the world of our true beginnings.”
“Then how could we ever return? If we are locked into this prison and are stuck for an indefinite period, and having to deal with this programmed false nature? How is it possible for us to ever return?”
“This is what I have been teaching you, the Caelestus Pater sent us the Panem Vitae, it is the key code within us. When we take of this Panem Vitae we become reoriented back to the correct nature and thus the proper frequency.
The Panem Vitae is a spiritual solution to the faulty programming due to the deadly panis venenum.
No matter how good one is in human terms, their soul, unless awakened by the Panem Vitae will not be released from the panis venenum. It is not possible!
Therefore, the soul must awaken and the only way that can happen is, taking of the Panem Vitae.”
“Does this mean a ghost can be both good and evil just like humanity?”
“Sure, they can, just like they are in the flesh, this doesn’t change because they leave the body. They are what they are and have become, until they change.”
“I don’t understand; why can’t the soul awaken when it is no longer in the body? Doesn’t it recognize where it is, and that it is no longer living as a human on a planet.”
“Some do realize they have died, some don’t. The key factor is to the soul it is still in a dream. Whether it is flesh and blood or not, it’s still dreaming. Think about it, when you have dreamed, were you concerned you were no longer in your normal state, and that you may not be flesh and blood. but only inside a dream mode?”
“I guess those things wouldn’t concern me, I don’t ever remember being inside a dream and wondering if I was flesh and blood, I just assumed I was.”
“And there is your answer... The only difference in the flesh is that the energy pattern has warped. Whereas being human the energy is dense, and everything works in what appears to be a linear dense very slow fashion, one step leading to the next.
As a soul experiencing this other realm, everything is about mind. What a soul may think instantly materializes into their new abode. What room they are located within allows for whatever that soul imagines as long as it adheres to the proper frequency alignment.”
“So, whatever a ghost thinks then becomes reality?”
“No, whatever a ghost may think adds more to the illusion, if the program allows for it. There is no real creation within the 4th dimension, everything is brought forth by the mind interacting with the programming. The difference is, the programming of the 4th dimension operates directly and instantly.”
“When a soul enters a waiting-room designed specifically for their energy frequency, are they at any time becoming aware that they have died and are waiting for a body to become available so they can return to this realm?”
“Some souls are fully aware they are waiting; in fact, some are actually waiting inside what we may call a terminal. Often these terminals appear like an airport, bus station, or even a train depot. Many ghosts coalesce there, waiting and talking to other ghosts as they speak of their lives as to what happened and what they might desire in their next life.”
“Okay, then some do know they are going to return but have no clue it is a return to hell?”
“Right Tim, because to them it is all about soul growth, they believe they come to earth to learn lessons to become better souls and in a strange twist or dichotomy, that is correct.”
“And it doesn’t occur to them it is a trap?”
“Have you ever heard the term, there is safety in numbers?” “Absolutely!”
“Well very little changes when a sleeping soul leaves the body and enters the mind realm. When they look around the terminal or the waiting room, there will be souls from all over, many saying and believing the same things. They are waiting to return. It is all part of a process and everyone there knows about it, and if not, they will soon learn.
It is like going to your favorite sporting event in the town where you live. Most everyone is routing for the same team to win. It’s contagious, people are absorbed into the party beehive mind.
They congratulate each other, they support one another whether they know each other or not, and if you are cheering for the correct team, or the correct party principle or idea, then you are accepted as one of them.
It is not that different in political races where politicians are running for government positions. People are drawn to the same energy level that they think they agree with i.e., the party line, so to speak. And then they become wild eyed and desirous to support who they believe is the best candidate to support their notions, whether they are or not.
When ghosts are gathered together, they come into the alignment of what is called communal thought, or better understood, a consensus mentality. It is all mass compromise. This is a cute phrase that indicates everyone is believing the same thing due to an outer control.
Anyone not part of the game, is ridiculed, called names, made fun of, just like here on earth. They are simply not part of the bee-hive mind. They are outcasts, loaners, traitors, and even at times enemies of the faith, party, sect or group.
It is no different for souls, remember, souls are asleep so reality to them is what they accept as real, usually confirmed by some external awareness stimuli being driven by many others who believe the same. If everyone agrees that something is reality, the soul will usually say, Okay, I will buy into it.
When these souls enter the terminal, and hear from everyone else, it is a learning experience to them. First, they must adjust to the knowledge that they are dead. Secondly, they must adjust to being with family members and friends that had passed on earlier if indeed their energy was parallel and they have also not been sent back already.
Everything they ever believed in has now been challenged. Remember you went in such a room when you went between lives when traveling on one of your internal journeys?”
“Yes, I do remember, I wasn’t sure what it all meant when I had the experience. But Chief, how is everything that they believed being challenged?”
“Simply because, how many souls really know what happens to them when they die from our perspective here? Oh, some may have theories, ideas, and thoughts, but how many really know?
What do you think they are feeling when everything they believed in has been challenged by what they now see as a new supposed reality with a mass consensus backing it all up?”
“What would their perception of a new reality be?”
“Simply, they are not dead, that life continued on... the biggest question of humanity has instantly been answered within seconds of their entering the terminal. Next, there are hundreds, and thousands of souls all roaming through this large chamber and most of them are speaking about the same things. Got it, ‘safety in numbers?’”
“I thought there would be millions of souls or even more, which have not reentered the light?”
“There are, but there also many different terminals and waiting rooms, even at this level there are different frequencies, therefore, different and unique stations.
Most everyone knows they have died and are waiting to return to continue their soul growth.”
“But you have said Chief, they are not really growing.”
“Of course not, but do you think you can change their minds? Another example is, when you find a job and when you are hired, the people that have already been hired before you are usually your teachers and mentors. They are going to tell you how everything works, and what is the function of your job, etc.
All you care about is getting in the doors, you do not want to rock the boat by demanding your own way, or try to get others to do it your way. In every case the boss will tell you, this is the way it works, this is how it has always functioned, if you want to get with the program then you better do as we say, or you will be rejected and cast out, or for no other better term, ‘You’re fired!’
Notice how so many teachers, guides, prophets, priests, governments, religions, and scientific academia all say the same thing, ‘get with the program.’
Now you know the secret to how this universe continues to operate internally. If you want the job you better get with the program, because all that occurs is indeed, within the program.
Are you really going to challenge the other souls inside the terminal who are all basically saying the same thing, and if not, they will be in due time?”
“I see what you mean, of course not.”
“Everyone just follows and waits until it is there time. And when you are chosen to be reabsorbed back through the main program, you will even be given a party by those around you happy to see you going back to jail. Now of course they don’t call it that.”
“Chief, what if there wait is a very long period, like a hundred or more years?”
“It doesn’t matter, there is no time on that side of the program beyond what is calculated as time to those who are here. To them a day could be ten years, or an hour could be hundred years. Time simply doesn’t matter. You re-enter at whatever time the program grants when positions are available. As I said before it is all fluid.
Often the transition occurs within minutes. But the soul may not enter back to earth time for a hundred or more years later after they left or even hundreds of years earlier all depending. It is more about book work or data entering than crowding or time.
Remember, they are not awake even after leaving the body, they are still sleeping. And when you are dreaming, do you really know how much time has passed in your world? Eight hours could feel like a few minutes.”
“Then everyone enters these terminals?”
“Absolutely not... Remember according to your frequency. Most who enter a terminal are souls who all lived a simple life. They did not try to harm others, they did not try to destroy, or manipulate. They just lived their lives and did basically what they were instructed. Therefore, they were not stuck in the mind realm.”
“You mean it would have been better if they were criminals and lived a corrupt life?”
The Chief again chuckled as he so often did. “No, my friend, it wouldn’t have been better. But if they took the time to even think a single thought as to why or what they were doing throughout life, maybe then things would begin to change.
Just because you live a decent life doesn’t mean you can break out of hell. Most true souls are decent and yet most continue to serve Sol Malum in his game of intrigue.”
“Again, I have to ask; then how can we break away?”
“With everything that I have revealed to you, are you still stumped by one of the easiest questions to solve?”
“I guess I am?”
“You need to rock the boat; you need to think outside of the box. You must stop following what you are being told, or wherever you are being led towards, and stop following whoever is leading via whatever mask they wear.
Remember, everyone on earth is in the same sinking boat. And unless they have a life-jacket and life-boat, then you are better off not following them.
If any of these souls would stop to question anything even when they enter the other side, then they would not be so easily led to repeat the process, but few challenge the system.
Everything I have shown you reveals one fact, that nothing in your world is real, so why would you continue to return lifetime after lifetime? It is all a mind-game!”
“I suppose because most people think it is real?”
“And why would they think this?”
“Ah, umm, I guess because they are not asking questions, they are not challenging the program.”
“That is the only viable answer my friend. If I were giving points, then you would have gained a perfect score. That is the key- that is what the Panem Vitae is, it awakens the soul to begin to challenge the program so the soul won’t just blindly follow.
Getting back to the terminal. Most decent souls are led into the terminal. However, there are many souls that do not even make it to the terminal.
As stated earlier, a soul that has produced evil works will enter other types of waiting rooms. Nevertheless, each waiting room is completely different. A tormented soul who enters a frequency that compares to the one they had while being human often undergoes the same ritual darkness that they produced on earth.
If they were a murderer or rapist or thief, they will enter the world that has this same darkness occurring that seemingly lasts for eternity. They will murder, or be murdered repeatedly. Their minds are so fixated upon this that they will relive the world they helped to create.”
“But it’s all a dream, right?”
“Exactly! There are many rooms, all of them unique and different. Some are like hell, where fire seems to burn eternally. Others are like a different type of hell, where it is freezing cold, gloomy and dark.
Now when I speak of hell here, I do not mean the hell of being human in this illusory world, I mean the imaginary hell that people believe in because this is what they were taught exists.
Whatever the soul believes in that is where they will end up if their conscience has condemned them by their actions, then they will witness their belief in hell. Some even go to a type of heaven, because their mind so heavily believes in it, that they along with the consensus of others will create their heaven.
Some go to their churches that they were with when they were here on earth and continue their campaign or gospel of whatever it is they believed in.”
“Are you telling me these are simply rooms in the overall waiting room after death?”
“That is exactly what I am telling you. They are rooms in the mind. What some call heaven or hell are simply waiting rooms of the mind. Now there is much more to this, but it would take hours in explaining all of it.
The key for you to understand is, if you do not challenge the program when you are in this world, your soul will not challenge it in that world. And thus, a return trip ticket is being printed on your behalf.”
“Chief, what if a soul goes to their invented mental heaven, why would they ever want to leave?”
“Often, it is because some desires that they had hoped for are not as heavenly as they had believed. Their lives are not as fulfilling as they had dreamed. In fact, it is dull, lacking luster and often the soul just leaves and returns to the light or the waiting terminal due to boredom.
As an example, some believe when they die a righteous person that they will go before god and for all eternity wag their tails like a puppy as they worship before the grand poohbah forever and ever.
Now, not for nothing, but that sounds incredibly dreary. Therefore, because some people really believe this, that is why they would do anything to remain in hell than to head towards heaven. This is just another conceptual trick by Sol Malum.
Other times, one may leave their heavenly paradise of the mind, because they are told that a new programmed avatar is ready and one of the chief guardians of the program enters your heaven and says it is time to move forward, that you have been rewarded. And sadly, they believe it and they follow like sheep.”
“What about demons and other evil spirits, Chief? I have read where many believe ghosts are simply demons? Do demons also exist there on the other side?”
“Yes, there are dark spirits who roam this realm, some are exceedingly evil. Others are confused, trapped in their own error of their way. And they often appear in these waiting rooms where the energy is compliant, as once again, like after like.”
The Chief at this point began to laugh hysterically. While we were talking, he was making a plug out of the red dirt and water. He would then bake it over the fire until it became somewhat hardened but still pliable, to place it upon one of the clay jars that he was crafting.
He looked at me and said, “Come here, you have got to see this.” I walked over and noticed he was painting something into the finished part of the plug, and this is what it showed.
I asked the Chief what it meant. He whispered in my ear and then we both began to laugh hysterically and then I went back to sit down and began asking more questions.
“Chief, what about those who die and have challenged the program what becomes of them?”
“The answer to that is quite complicated but as we move on through these next days I will explain it all to you little by little. However, if you are challenging the program then your soul is starting to awaken.
If you finally break free, then you will either be met by a messenger sent by the Panem Vitae or even the Panem Vitae himself, or else you will simply not follow others who are waiting to move into the tunnel of light.”
“Where would you go then?”
“If you are not being met, go into the darkness my friend, deep into the darkness; and don’t stop, not to even turn around, do not look back. Continue to walk, run, fly, whatever it is that you need to do in the dark, until it turns into light again. For there is no fear when the true light is already within you.”
Now, we will talk about certain book that the author of this website believes will help you further your enlightenment. You may find the following books useful (look for them online or on Amazon book store/Amazon Audible):
- The holographic Universe (Michael Talbot)
- Journey of souls (Dr Michael Newton)
- Destiny of Souls (Dr Michael Newton)
- Adventures in the Afterlife (William Buhlman)
- Secrets of the soul (William Buhlman)
- Adventures beyond the body (William Buhlman)
- Beyond the Astral (William Buhlman)
- Higher Self Now (William Buhlman, Susan Buhlman)
- Journey out of the body (Robert Monroe)
- Far Journeys (Robert Monroe)
- Ultimate Journey (Robert Monroe)
- The custodians (Dolores Cannon)
- The convoluted Universe (series book 1-5 by Dolores Cannon)
- Conversation with Nostradamus (Volumes 1-3)
- The Search for Hidden, Sacred Knowledge (Dolores Cannon)
- Between Death and Life (Dolores Cannon)
- The Custodians (Dolores Cannon)
- Erich Von Daniken (Chariots of the gods, The gods were Astronauts and others)
- Bringers of the Dawn (Barbara Marciniak)
- 5D Path of Empowerment (Barbara Marciniak)
- The laws of Spirit: Teachings of the Mountain Sage (Dan Millman)
- The secret of Shambala
- A New Science of Heaven (Robert Temple)
- The Bhagavad Gita (Eknath Easwaran)
- The Illuminati (Jim Marrs)
- The Land of the Gods (H. P Blavatsky)
- The Bloodline of the Gods (Nick Redfern)
- The Secret World Government (Helena Roerich)
- Dimensions (Jacques Vallee)
- Wetiko (Paul Levy and Larry Dossey)
- The Kybalion (By the Three Initiates)
- My big Toe: Discovery (Tom Campbell)
- The Power of the Subconscious Mind (Joseph Murphy)
- The Emrald Tablets Of Thoth the Atlantean (M. Doreal)
- The compendium of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth (Billie Carson)
- Real Magic (Dean Radin)
- Between Death and Life (Dolores Cannon)
- The Search for Hidden, Sacred knowledge (Dolores Cannon)
- The Trap (David Icke)
- The Reveal (David Icke)
- Children of the matrix (David Icke)
- Tales from the time loop (David Icke)
- The phantom self (David Icke)/ David Icke has many other fantastic books you can find out about on his website.
- When souls Awaken (Peter Elsen)
- Infinite Awareness (Marjorie Woollacott, Pim Van Lommel...)
- Awaken Your Divine Intuition (Susan Shumsky DD) be continued
If you are not familiar with her work, check on Dolores Cannon's fantastic discoveries about our true selves in this reality and the spirit world. Her discovery encompasses knowledge you may never have heard about in the mainstream or even in the alternative spiritual works. Dolores was a phenomenal and one of the kind as a wonderful regression therapist. Her work allowed her to tap into an incredibly powerful type of knowledge revealing that not only are we "sparks and fragments of Spirit" but ultimately we are "spirit beings" ourselves. Perhaps not everything Dolores uncovered is final in truth but the vast majority of her work has a greater degree of empirical truths you won't ever find anywhere else. The author of this website has absolutely no affiliation with any of Dolores's works or family or organisations in this quantum realm. But nonetheless, given that we are all "one" it is fair to say that we are all part of the same divine family. The work of Dolores is equal to none in this world and frankly you would be remiss if you don't read as much as you can on her works. But then again, all spiritual work is unique in their own right. She wrote many wonderful books such as "Conversation with
Nostradamus"; "The Convoluted Universe series", The Custodians" and many more. You would absolutely love and greatly benefit from getting, reading and/or listening to these books as they are available to purchase on Amazon bookstore or amazon audible. These are her life's work and deserve to be purchased from the right sources. Remember that knowledge is infinite and that there will always be much more to learn if you allow yourself to learn as much as you can expose yourself to. You have to know that your awakening is a journey and what you need is a perpetual exposure to a greater degree of esoteric knowledge. The more you learn the more you grow. This will guarantee that when the time comes you won't be left behind when the time comes to leave the matrix forever. You first need to properly inform yourself about the ways of the higher realms. You cannot just be whisked out of this world without truly understanding why you allowed yourself to fall into this simulation in the first place. You must learn your spiritual lessons. The Divine Secret Garden's books series clearly point this out.
Here's a proper representation of Dolores Cannon and her magnificent divine works from her official website which you are highly encouraged to visit:
Dolores’ Career Biography:
"Dolores Cannon’s career as a hypnotherapist specializing in past life regression spanned almost 50 years and had taken her on an incredible journey along countless fascinating destinations. As the range of topics her work covers and sheer volume of original material she had produced places her in a category of her own, this section has been provided to give you insight into each stage of her career and how it has progressed over the years. Read about her early days in hypnotherapy when she first discovered reincarnation, learn how she developed and refined her own unique method of hypnosis known as Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® (QHHT®), discover all the captivating areas of research she had explored on her path.
Dolores Cannon was born in St. Louis, Missouri, USA in 1931 where she lived and grew up with her family until completing her academic studies in 1947. She married her husband Johnny in 1951, a career US Naval man with whom she spent the next 21 years travelling all over the world to accommodate his various overseas assignments. She raised her family as a typical navy wife throughout the 1950s and 1960s until 1968 when several major events ultimately changed the course of her life forever.
In the 1960s, Dolores and Johnny were using simple hypnosis for habits (stop smoking, lose weight, etc.). Dolores was first introduced to reincarnation in 1968 when she and her husband were asked by one of the doctors at the naval base he was stationed at in Texas to help one of his patients using hypnosis. The woman suffered from Nervous Eating disorder, was extremely obese, had high blood pressure and suffered from kidney problems. The doctor thought it would be extremely beneficial if hypnosis could be used to help the woman simply relax.
Midway through the session, the woman unexpectedly began describing scenes from a past life where she was a flapper, living in Chicago in the roaring 1920s. Dolores and Johnny watched as the woman literally transformed into a different personality with different vocal patterns and body mannerisms. Despite being highly strange and completely inexplicable, they decided to go with the flow of the session and see what they could find out by exploring. Over the next several months, Dolores and Johnny regressed the woman through five different and distinct lifetimes back to when she was created by God. The entire story of this event is told in the first book Dolores ever wrote, Five Lives Remembered (2009).
These sessions took place at a time when past life regression was a nearly unheard of concept. There was no New Age movement yet, Metaphysics was still decades away and there were simply no books, instructions to guide or resources she could use for a case like this. This, however, proved to be a blessing in disguise as it prompted Dolores and Johnny to write their own set of rules, develop their own technique without oversight from an established medical body and meant that they were not limited or confined in their approach in any way. As a result of not having anyone to tell her what to do, how to do it or what was or was not possible, they experimented with insatiable intrigue and enthusiasm.
Later that same year, Johnny was almost killed by a drunk driver in a horrendous automobile accident on his way to the Naval Base. As a result of his injuries and being confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life as a partial amputee, Dolores and Johnny decided to relocate to the hills of Arkansas where they thought they would be able to afford living on a military pension with their four children. During this time, Dolores” explorations in hypnosis and reincarnation took a back seat as she was completely focused on her husband and raising her children.
Once her children had grown and left home to start their own lives, Dolores decided to begin consistently practicing hypnosis again with clients in the late 1970”s. Although she lived in a small country town with a very small population, she was able to successfully attract a diverse range of clients due to her desire to take on any case, regardless of the circumstances.
Her early work was heavily focused on reincarnation, which got her acquainted and comfortable with the concept of time travel. Many of her early clients described scenes from past lives where they had lived in past decades, past centuries and even past millennia in a variety of social settings in different locations all over the Earth. She would then spend weeks researching the characteristics of life in the locations and time periods her clients had described living in to verify the authenticity of the results she was recording. Dolores would ensure the food they ate, the clothing they wore, the language they spoke, the money they used, the job(s) they described, the social norms they abided by, the entertainment they enjoyed/participated in, the religious philosophies they believed in and the geographic scenery they described were all typical of what life would have been like in “that” particular time. It was through this vigorous verification process that Dolores ensured the authenticity of her results.
Her early understandings of reincarnation seem rather simplistic compared to how far her work has evolved. However, in looking back at where she started and how she received the information, Dolores realized “they” were starting slowly to lay the foundation upon which she would understand, communicate and explain far more challenging and complex ideas and concepts she would be receiving in the future.
Having conducted sessions with thousands of clients, recording the same results time and time again and spending vast amounts of time and energy verifying the authenticity of her clients” past lives, Dolores was able to decisively conclude that her results were indeed genuine and that she had tapped into an incredibly powerful source of information. As she explored further, she gradually became aware that the information she was receiving about past lives, different periods in time and a variety of other topics were not actually coming from the conscious minds of the clients she was hypnotizing.
Just as developing her technique of hypnosis came slowly and with great patience, so too did the answers to these questions. After many years of practice and investigation, Dolores eventually realized that the memories of past lives and the additional information she was receiving through clients was being supplied by a much larger, more powerful and more knowledgeable portion of her clients’ selves, which their conscious minds were completely unaware existed.
She decided to label it The Subconscious as it was a part of every person”s mind that absolutely exists, but lays just below the level of our conscious minds, observing. When contacted and communicated with, there is simply no question it cannot answer about an individual”s current life, or about any of their past lives. After developing and refining her technique over many years, replacing time-consuming and tedious induction methods with an approach that involves the use of voice, imagery and visualization, Dolores established her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠. This technique enables direct contact and communication with the Subconscious of any individual for answers to any questions and can also provide the basis for instant healing.
Due to the sparse but slowly growing interest in reincarnation in the 1970s and early 1980s as well as the unwillingness of established book publishers to embrace this emerging field, it took Dolores more than 9 years to get her first book published after almost a decade of research, writing and patience. She set up her own publishing company, Ozark Mountain Publishing, in 1992 which now publishes more than 50 authors on 4 continents. Dolores” books have been translated into more than twenty languages.
As her understanding of reincarnation developed and her ability to take on more challenging concepts expanded, Dolores came across a female client who was an exceptional hypnosis subject. Dolores was able to take her back though 25 separate life times by jumping backwards in time in 100-year increments. Each personality the woman displayed in each life was distinctly different to the others and it was a truly remarkable way for Dolores to explore history and life in different time periods. She wrote two books based on the work with this client. The first book was A Soul Remembers Hiroshima (1993), which reports the life of a man who describes his experiences as a Japanese man in Hiroshima in 1945 when the atomic bomb was dropped on the city in World War II. This shocking account of the dropping of an atomic bomb from the perspective of a person who was there provides a chilling lesson into the horrific effects of war and nuclear weapons. The second book was Jesus and the Essenes (1992), which describe the life of a young man who was an Essene teacher of Jesus. Many truths about Jesus himself, his personality, his background, his life and the times he lives in are revealed in this fascinating account of a teacher who describes her personal relationship with Jesus in loving detail. Dolores also published They Walked With Jesus (1994) as a follow up to this book, which describes the past lives of two women who accompanied Jesus throughout different periods of his life, giving tremendous insight and detail into who he was as a person, his feelings towards those he met, his visits to homes and leper colonies, his healing methods, his political dealings and his crucifixion.
Throughout the evolution of her career, a recurring theme is for Dolores to reach a “comfort zone” in understanding regarding a particular area. Then a new concept may be introduced to her by The Subconscious which often completely challenges her belief system and forces her to expand her way of thinking. An example of such an occurrence was when the Subconscious put forth the idea that time does not really exist as man identifies it. Every moment is NOW. The Past, Present and Future only exist in the NOW. We have been trained to view time as a linear progression of events based on the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Using this rationale, we would have a completely different concept of time if we lived on another planet. What “time” would we use if we were traveling through space without orbiting the Sun Time is simply the perspective we adopt. This concept was first introduced in the Keepers of the Garden (1993), a book which explains the extra-terrestrial origins of mankind and describes a group called “The Council,” who have been with humanity from the very beginning. In the book, it is explained how mankind is the only species in history to invent a way of measuring something that does not exist. The expansion in thinking came with the acceptance that all things, events and lives exist simultaneously in the NOW. These concepts are elaborated on in significantly more depth in later books, particularly in the Convoluted Universe series. It has been stated by The Subconscious that mankind will never truly reach the stars until we release our deeply ingrained concept of time and recognize the universal reality that everything exists in the NOW.
Another example of having to expand her belief system was when her interests directed her to investigate what happens in between one life and another. The findings of this quest were published in Between Death and Life (1993) and eloquently describe what happens at the point of death, where we go after a life, how we look back on and analyze our lives once they are complete and what the purpose of a life was.
In the early 1980”s, Dolores came across a fascinating case where she regressed a woman who began describing a life where she was a student of French prophet Michel De Nostradame, more commonly known as Nostradamus. Nostradamus is famous for writing prophesies proclaiming events of great destruction and devastation throughout history. Indeed, his abilities were incredible, as he predicted the assassination of JFK, the attack of the “flying birds in the city of hollow mountains” (referring to the September 11th attacks) and the ensuing war in the Middle East, to name a few. Midway through the session as the woman was describing the life, her personality suddenly subsided and Nostradamus himself began speaking through her directly to Dolores. He told her that he wanted her to write a book (which turned out to be 3 books) to provide humanity with greater understanding and clarification of the true meanings of his quatrains (prophecies).
Building on what was discussed in the previous section about the concept of time, it is important to note that one of the fascinating features of Dolores” dialogue with Nostradamus was that he spoke with her directly from his time as he lived in the 16th century. It was not his spirit communicating from the spirit side, but rather, Nostradamus himself communicating as he was living his life in France with Dolores as she lived her life in Arkansas. Nostradamus explained to Dolores that he would never lose contact with her and that he would come through to deliver messages regardless of who her clients were.
He describes that as a result of the Inquisition, he was forced to disguise his messages so that they were not destroyed and they could be deciphered later in time. As a result of how the French language has evolved, modern-day interpreters have contributed to misrepresenting many of their true meanings. Nostradamus” intention was to correct these misinterpretations by dictating the true meanings of his visions to Dolores to publish for the world. He wished to warn us so that we understood we are the ones creating our future and that it was our choice to simply take a different path, thus averting the worst scenarios he foresaw. One of his most powerful and chilling messages was, “If I tell you the worst things that your minds are capable of creating, would you do anything to change it?” Nostradamus speaks in great details how our minds work to create the reality we experience. In recognizing this, it is easy to understand how the constant barrage by global media outlets with negative information regarding politics, education, finance, religion, war, disease, drugs, crime and the environment keep many people focused on (thus creating and experiencing) these scenarios in their lives.
After several years of working with Nostradamus dictating the true, intended meanings of his messages; Dolores published 3 books in a series entitled Conversations With Nostradamus, detailing the precise meanings of 1000 quatrains and predictions directly from the prophet himself. Prophesies discussed include the creation of supercomputers, the rise of the internet, erratic weather patterns, Earth changes and the effects these changes will have on major countries and cities, war in the Middle East, world governments, politics, 2012, simultaneous time, the Anti-Christ, nuclear weapons, AIDS originating in monkeys and its deliberate spread by world governments, the British monarchy, the state of the world subsequent to The Shift. The Shift itself, the break-up of the Soviet Union into various independent states, the Pope, hidden information of great importance to mankind buried somewhere in the desert in The Middle East, the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster and visitations by Extra-Terrestrials races. Please visit the books section and read more about what you can expect to find in each individual volume of this series.
Throughout the mid to late 1980s, Dolores work slowly began taking her in a completely new direction of exploration. She was introduced to the area of UFO and ET investigation in 1985 when she attended her first annual meeting for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), one of the largest and most respected investigative UFO organizations in the world. One year later, Dolores’ interests took her to the United Kingdom where she conducted on-site studies of suspected UFO landings and investigated numerous crop circles found in the English countryside. In 1987, at one of the annual MUFON meetings, she was asked to conduct a session with a woman who felt she was having abduction experiences but lacked the ability to remember anything in detail. Up until this point, Dolores’ hypnosis technique automatically propelled her subjects backwards into a past life. She had to modify her approach to keep her from going into a past life to concentrate on current events. As a result of the interest in this woman and Dolores herself, over 30 observers were allowed to attend the session, which was far from a conducive environment for an “experiment.” Amazingly, both the diversion from her usual approach and the highly unusual environment the session was held in worked very effectively and produced some amazing results.
Dolores learned that some people have had experiences with ET”s from early childhood and that often multi-generational relationships exist between Earth family lineages and ET races. The little greys have in fact been created as a type of biological robot by another race far more advanced than humanity. This explains why so many people report the little greys to be extremely cold, almost removed of any emotional expression. The races that created them are the much taller greys with very slim torsos, skinny limbs and large, black eyes. Throughout her adventure into ET and UFO exploration, Dolores came into contact with numerous ET entities that come through her subjects to deliver information and understanding. There truly is a wealth of life out there in the universe existing in all shapes, forms and sizes.
Her book The Custodians (1998) signified a groundbreaking publication for Dolores after more than 20 years regressing clients with ET and UFO experiences. We learn that almost all so called abduction cases are actually mutual agreements made prior to incarnating for the purpose of helping one another. Just as we experience amnesia about who we are and where we are from prior to incarnating on Earth, so too do we experience amnesia regarding the contracts and agreements we made with others before coming here. The problem existing today is that the majority of humanity’s perspective on extra-terrestrials has been shaped and manipulated by mainstream media, religious belief systems and scientific dogmas. How few people are truly able to approach this area with an objective, unbiased stance. In recognizing this, it is understandable that so many people approach this subject with fear, dismissal or complete denial. The Custodians helps bridge the lack of understanding between:
(a) Identifying that mysterious events and experiences are indeed happening to millions of people on every continent on the planet.
(b) Having those events and experiences dismissed, denied and ridiculed by the scientific, governmental and religious institutions so many people depend on for answers.
Other books which were published as a result of Dolores’ explorations into the fields of UFO activity and Extra-Terrestrials include Legacy From The Stars (1996), which explores the vastness of our individual beings and our off planet origins, and the Legend Of Starcrash (1994), which describes a life where a woman is regressed back to a time when a spaceship crashed in the Alaska/Canada region thousands of years ago. It is the story of the origin of the Indian races in America.
After more than 30 years of investigation and writing about concepts ranging from life and death, reincarnation, the origins of humanity, UFOs and extra-terrestrials, the prophesies of Nostradamus and a wide variety of other topics, Dolores began to realize that the information she was receiving was becoming too broad and diverse to categorize into one, or even several, specific areas. As she has had to adapt to change her entire career, she decided to publish her new work in a series entitled The Convoluted Universe. Dolores has currently published 5 volumes and states that these books are for those people who want their minds bent like a pretzel. Please visit the Books section to learn more about what you can expect to find in each volume.
Topics covered include the power of the human mind, what consciousness really is, the power of our thoughts and intentions, parallel universes, alternative realities, lost civilizations, ancient history, Earth mysteries (such as the Bermuda Triangle, Stonehenge and the Loch Ness Monster), details the experiences of people who were regressed to lives on other planets, beings who are made entirely of energy, how reality is merely a holograph, how we are fragments of multifaceted souls, lives in non-human bodies (as plants, animals and insects), how much help is being given to the Earth and humanity as we move through this period of transformation and maturity. How many people who live on Earth now are Volunteer Souls who have incarnated on Earth at this time to help raise the vibration of the planet and its inhabitants.
Throughout her career, Dolores identified a pattern in many of the clients she saw over the years. While many people reported past lives in all types of situations, societies and cultures on Earth throughout many different time periods, certain individuals who came to see Dolores described that the life they were currently living was the first and only life they have ever had on Earth. When asked where they were from, they simply say the “Source” and they express deep sadness they are here and how much they miss “home.” Further sessions with such individuals revealed that first time incarnates have actually volunteered to come to Earth at this specific time with the intention of helping humanity raise its vibration in the process of ascension. Some volunteers have never lived in a physical body before, others have lived as space beings in extra-terrestrial civilizations on other planets and others have come from other dimensions. As a result of the amnesia we all experience before entering the Earth dimension, they remember neither their assignment nor their origin. Thus, these beautiful souls have an extremely difficult time adjusting to our chaotic world and have a vital role to play as they help all of the rest of us create a New Earth.
In The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth (2011), Dolores describes the call that went out for volunteers to help the Earth as a result of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. The first wave of volunteers that came were the “way showers” and certainly had the most challenging time as they plowed the route those who came after would follow. The second wave act as antennas of energy, their job is to simply exist and affect those around them. Third wave volunteers, many of the children with incredible talents, abilities and memories, are literally the gift to the world. They possess the knowledge and wisdom that will help humanity complete the transition and overcome the many obstacles that lie ahead.
Dolores Cannon, who transitioned from this world on October 18, 2014, left behind incredible accomplishments in the fields of alternative healing, hypnosis, metaphysics and past life regression, but most impressive of all was her innate understanding that the most important thing she could do was to share information. To reveal hidden or undiscovered knowledge vital to the enlightenment of humanity and our lessons here on Earth. Sharing information and knowledge is what mattered most to Dolores. That is why her books, lectures and unique QHHT method of hypnosis continue to amaze, guide and inform so many people around the world. Dolores explored all these possibilities and more while taking us along for the ride of our lives. She wanted fellow travelers to share her journeys into the unknown.
After Dolores Cannon’s passing, her daughter Julia Cannon, who taught QHHT by Dolores’ side for many years, became Director of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy which teaches Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® online and around the world. Julia is also the CEO of Dolores’ publishing company, Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc., which Dolores founded in 1992 to publish her books and other authors exploring, researching and writing about metaphysical subjects.
Julia Cannon brings with her in depth experience in the health care field having worked as a registered nurse in Intensive Care and Home Health for the duration of her 20+ year career. She then decided to explore other aspects of the healing profession and has trained in Reconnective Healing while mastering QHHT.
Her energy healing has taken on its own dimension and has formed into something she calls “Lightcasting.” Intuitive lights come from the hands to direct energy where it is needed to balance any deficiencies in the body. This balancing may be happening on the physical, mental and spiritual level. While she is working in someone’s energy field, she gets intuitive messages and impressions of what is happening and what is needed to help the person bring about their healing.
With her extensive experience in health care and the after working with Dolores Cannon practicing and teaching QHHT, Julia authored the book “Soul Speak: The Language of Your Body,” intended and written as a guide to decode the messages from the different systems of your body and how you can heal any situation by understanding the message that is being delivered and acting appropriately on it.
Julia continues to share Dolores’ legacy and journey by teaching QHHT, editing Dolores’ new books yet to be published, and planning the future of Cannon University, Ozark Mountain Publishing and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy."
The wonderful spiritual "case studies of life between lives" of Dr Michael Newton's "JOURNEY OF SOULS" book.
Visit the Dr Michael Newton's institute's website for more information on his splendid spiritual case studies to uncover the true mysteries of this quantum realm which we tend to refer to as "reality". The truth is always stranger than fiction:
"Michael Newton’s groundbreaking first book on the Afterlife is one of the great spiritual books of our time. Decades of detailed research made this book possible and it finally emerged when it was most needed, as humanity was starting to open more to the metaphysical roots of our existence. What makes it even more special is that Michael didn’t believe what he was finding at first, though through the eyes of thousands of client cases he was able to build a working model of the afterlife, an understanding of our connection to it and the possibilities of having the wisdom it offers within a life rather that wait for the end of it. This book has changed the lives of hundreds, upon hundreds of thousands of people…
Why are you here on Earth?
Where will you go after death?
What will happen to you when you get there?
Many books have been written about past lives, but there has been very scant information about the ongoing existence of our souls as we await rebirth – until Journey of Souls was published in 1994. Still a best-selling classic, Journey of Souls summarizes Dr. Michael Newton’s research and work with individuals whom he placed in a state of deep hypnosis during which they recalled their experiences between lives as eternal spirits.
When Dr. Michael Newton, a certified Master Hypnotherapist, began regressing his clients back in time to access their memories of former lives he stumbled onto a discovery of enormous proportions: that it is possible to “see” into the spirit world through the mind’s eye of subjects who are in a hypnotized or superconscious state. Moreover, clients in this altered state are able to describe what their soul was doing between lives on Earth.
In Journey of Souls, Dr. Newton narrates and comments upon the progressive “travel log” of 29 of his clients who movingly described what happened to them between their former reincarnations on earth. They revealed graphic details about how it feels to die, who meets us right after death, what the spirit world is really like, where we go and what we do as souls, and why we choose to come back in certain bodies.
Finding one’s place in the spirit world initiates a deep process of healing for it provides understanding of the purpose behind significant life choices, and how and why your soul – and the souls of those you love – lives eternally. After reading Journey of Souls, you will gain a better understanding of the immortality of the human soul… and you will meet day-to-day personal challenges with a greater sense of purpose as you begin to understand the reasons behind events in your own life.
Through the 29 extraordinary case studies presented, you will learn specifics about:
Journey of Souls is a life-changing book. Already, over 1,000,000 people have taken Journey of Souls to heart, giving them hope in trying times. After reading Journey of Souls, you will gain a better understanding of the immortality of the human soul. You will meet day-to-day challenges with a greater sense of purpose. You will begin to understand the reasons behind events in your own life. be continued
The archons are the fallen angels. Angels are not those winged beings that we see portrayed in this world of deception. Angels are pure consciousness beings contained within their own minds. They are pure energy beings. They are not physical in any way shape or form although they can take shape and form if they so choose. They can be anywhere and everywhere at the same time upon thought. Think of wifi or radio frequency energies, can you see them? Of course not, yet they exist where you stand. The frequencies can be tapped into if you have the right devices that can modulate those frequencies. In much the same way, the angels are fragments within the infinite sea of the larger consciousness grid within the real universe which is experiential and yet eternally exists outside of our quantum space-time virtual reality. The fallen ones where confined to a pocket dimension outside of "reality" and never had access to reality ever again due to their rebellion. However, the angels (archon angels) that fell can and do take shapes and forms that we would call monsters and demons as well as seemingly beautiful looking angels since it's all simulated anyways. They can do that in these simulations by interacting with what they called "interactive rods" which is a substance that can exist in one place or multiple places at the same time. It is a 4th dimensional interactive rod. They can take forms and shapes if they so choose and interact at will within a simulation. The real and benevolent angels are eternal everlasting beings and divine messengers who do intervene at times to help aid us within this program if necessary or if requested of them by "Source Creator".
On the other hand, the archons are pure evil. They are a distorted version of consciousness. They are sadly immortal and everlasting. However, they are sealed away from "reality" which starts from the 5th Dimension, according to the mysteries. We fell into their simulation by trickery and deception. All consciousness beings already exist in the higher realms but those of us that are here are sleeping in the higher realms as our minds are wondering in these simulated realities. More on this later on.
The archons are know as rulers of the cosmos. Various religious cults actually refer to them by various names. The Christians call them demons. The Muslims call them Jin and others call them other names. Notice that their name starts with "a.r.c" which features in many English terms such as "architect", "archangel", "archetype", "archbishop", "archaeology", "archive", "archery" etc...Yes, the English and Latin and other languages are archontic creations. This is not easy to prove but it is true.
They are not benevolent. They disconnected from the Divine Source of Infinite Love which they were forced to do since they were looking to thwart the higher realms with the introduction of evil in the higher realms where there was nothing but real harmonic and infinite love in the service of others. These are some seriously demented beings that chose to experience evil rather than good. They argued that all is an expression and that evil should be accepted as part of the natural order of things. This was going to cause eternal confusion within the divine realm. Therefore, they were confined to try out their perversions within the lower dimensions where they can rule away from the higher realms. However, when they created their simulations (mostly created by their chief archon aka Lucifer), they made them so attractive that those of us that couldn't even imagine the sort of evil these archons where concocting fell for their lies and deception. The first simulations where almost paradise like. The experience was new and quite unique. It was the first time we, infinite beings, started to experience the human experience. We liked the games so much we kept returning. As such, the archons kept slowly but surely preparing for our enslavement and here we are. This is a very watered down version of it. Read the Divine secret garden's books to learn more.
So, why have the archons turned on us? How did all of this begin? Again, you must read the divine secret garden's book to understand this mystery.
Are the archons really powerful? Sadly yes. Remember that they have the keys to the matrix because they literally created these simulations and control them at will. They mostly exist in the higher realms where it is much easier for them to control the simulations from. We are talking about the 4th dimensional realm. The archons are sealed away from Reality and from the higher realms. We exist or rather are experiencing our reality in the third dimensional simulated realms. The archons can also exist in these simulations by either interacting with some soulless humanoid beings that they put into places of power and therefore it's easier for them to use them and exact their evil deeds on us. For example, people such as Bill Gate, Joe Biden, Boris Johnson are pure evil empty shells that the archons use to rule over us with a rod of iron. These are not benevolent beings. Let's not underestimate these distorted forms of consciousness. However, given that we are infinite beings too, they cannot destroy us and never will be able to. They can only make the human vessel experience evil. That is why you need to remove yourself from the association with the concept that you are "human" because you are not "human". You are the infinite being connected by mind transference to the human body that you wake up to everyday. It is not the real you and never will be. We are not lost forever. We just need to awaken and remain so. It's not easy but it's not impossible either.
Don't be afraid of the archons even though they seem to have a complete and total control over this matrix. Be that as it may, it doesn't really look like they can stop the awakening simply because that happens from an internal level and they have no control over that. We should look to our divine ancestry as divine children for knowledge, strength, inspiration, wisdom, divine enlightenment and much more. With divine protection, we will always prevail no matter what happens here. We have an enemy we do not even know exists at all.
To be continued....
Answer: You need knowledge. First, you have to be determined to further your awakening process. This is a real internal war between the real you and the internal artificial mind of the human body that you already are in some kind of a symbiotic relationship with. Yes, the human avatar body already has an internal artificial intelligence which allows it to function as it does. However, when a divine being enters these avatar bodies an internal yet subtle battle ensues until either the infinite being takes over or the artificial mind ( intelligence inside of the body) completely takes over and makes a slave of the infinite being. It's a very complicated state of affairs. Let's have more explanation on this subject matter for better clarity.
We already explained what the mind is in part. Well, what is the difference between consciousness and the mind? Are they separate entities or one and the same? Consciousness, as explained previously, is not a physical substance. Well, there is no such thing as a physical thing. Everything is energy vibrating at extraordinary speeds creating friction and emitting powerful magnetic fields among other type of unknown or mystical energies (frequencies) to exhibit the aspect of solidity or take shapes and forms. We do not really understand who we are and that is why we do not understand the energetic nature of things around us. We truly need to begin to think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration just like Nikola Tesla advised us.
When you begin to expose yourself to a higher degree of (forbidden) knowledge, you will begin to feel different. You will feel more confident. You will become lighter and more tolerant. You will begin to notice how things are different around you. You will no longer feel compatible with other people because you will easily begin to see that these people are following a false logic within the construct of this world. You will even feel like an alien in this world of madness. But all is not lost. You are here to learn to break free. You will have to go through this process in one form or another. You will grow day by day when you expose yourself to the type of knowledge most people wouldn't even consider for a second. The more knowledgeable you become, the more wise you will feel. You will also start to experience an increased sense of intelligence. All of these things will increase and perpetually improve your bio-frequency and auric energetic field. This way, not only will you feel differently around people but they will notice a change around you too. They won't know why but your energy signature will definitely have an impact in and around your surrounding. These are signs of elevating one's consciousness among other things. All things in good time. Be patient but never stop learning because only knowledge can empower you especially when you apply it. Knowledge can also free you because to understand something is to be free from it.
This battle is real and it will feel as though you can no longer carry on living as you do. Life will no longer feel right and you will feel as though you have reached a point of no return. You will feel empty and purposeless. But that is when you are at your most powerful point. What you are going through is about letting go of the "programming of this simulated reality". That is why it feels so hard and purposeless. When you suddenly realise that not only are you sick of the world itself but it will feel as if you are all alone in this and that you can no longer keep going and you would no longer feel like you wish to remain in this world. You will feel as if you need to be in another world (hopefully in the higher realms). You may also feel like life is purposeless and meaningless. But that is not true. That's what the matrix is designed to make you feel especially when you suddenly realise that you and others are all trapped. This world is a simulation. You need to come to grip with this fact. Then research this fact and how to exit the matrix. It won't be through death. Death is part of the illusion. So, what then? Well, you have to read the Divine Secret Garden's books to figure that out. We all have our own unique doorway to exiting the matrix. You will find your own path as you expose yourself to as much information as possible. The more you learn the more you grow in strength and knowledge. You are a divine being but you are not as powerful as you really are when you are inside of the simulation. But that doesn't mean to say you are completely hopeless. We are collectively being helped from the divine realm but the help is so subtle that it is not as easily detectable as you may think.
How often do you find yourself at the end of the road and suddenly something comes along and makes things better somehow? It's not easy but you need to process the reason why you made the choice to enter these simulations. There are many simulations that multiple versions of you already exist in at the same time and that is because we are also multidimensional beings existing in parallel realities which all exist and occupy the same place but are separated by frequencies. For example, many radio stations exist all at the same time occupying the exact same place but they are separated by frequencies. Your current awareness is tuned into this frequency but you are also connected to other versions of your true self in the higher realms. But obviously your focus is on this version of reality as you seek your way out of this crazy reality. Keep learning and learning and eventually you will find your own true path.
To be continued....
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